cheater, cheater, cheater,

Start from the beginning

He removed his hand from his face and looked up at her, "Why didn't you come?" 

His face was flushed and he was obviously very drunk, 

"I was blacked out, I'm sorry I should have been more responsible." 

He took his elbows off of his knees and pulled her into his chest by her sleeve forcefully, his heavy arms wrapped around her and her face fell into the crook of his neck, 

"I shouldn't have hit you." He said, his breath tickling the shell of her ear. 

She frowned and her eyebrows furrowed, 

"I needed a wake-up call..." She replied bringing her hand to run her hands through his hair, 

He chuckled a little before he said, "I stayed up all night waiting for you Bunny..." 

"I know, I know..."  She whispered again into his neck as she ran her hands up and down his back, 

"Can I go get you a glass of cold water? You're going to have a ruthless headache later..." 

His arms tightened around her waist, 

"No... I don't want to sober up." He said with a furrowed brow and a pouty expression on his face.

"Alright." She said flatly, wondering when she was going to get out of his death grip, 

She pecked Chrollo's neck before asking, "When is this airship gonna land?" 

"Hmmm.." He purred,

"Tomorrow, 3pm." He continued, tracing small shapes on her back.

Guilt throbbed before her ribcage, little knives dissected her judgement and twisted her feelings into a guilty, rotting mess.

His arms slowly loosened before he picked her up by her waist and placed her on his lap and pushed her head farther into his shoulder as if she was simply a teddy bear just for his comfort.

"Can you read to me...Reading when your really drunk hurts..." He whispered softly, 

She placed her elbows on his shoulders and reached for the opened book beside them, 

'Behind the Ivy; Where She Lies.'

By Elroy Briare "Whats it about?" She whispered in a soft tone, 

"Its pretty new.. Its about a girl, and her family is very rich and powerful, her life is perfect before her sister gets murdered. Im at the part after they find her sisters body. Its supposed to like change POVS halfway through of this guy that is in love with her," 

"Ok," She said stroking his hair as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck,

She prepared her voice and started, 

"And though she had just found her sister, mutilated and torn, her face was still a stone cold expression. She couldn't believe that her sister had taken her last breath in the place where they always played, she must have died in a state of euphoria. And surely heavens angels would take her, she was always kind and never vain in any situation. Her murderer had taken her while she was living her last moments, they groped her near cold skin used her insides for quick pleasure. That was when Constantine knew that the world was filled only with demons with human skin, the whole world was rotting and they didn't even know it, infact, those who got out early were the truly lucky ones, they spared themselves from a long eternity and pain and fake satisfaction."

She swallowed the frog in her throat and struggled to continue, this seemed all too familiar. 

She cleared her throat and read the next few paragraphs before attempting to speak them aloud, 

"Im really tired, I want to go to bed.." She scowled in disgust as the familiar story ground into her consciousness,

"Hm? Ok."

"Sorry, my hangover is really bad and this reading isn't helping... Im going to take a nap." 

She choked down confusion and panic before she awaited an answer,

"Ok, I suppose I'll take one too," He yawned before picking her out of his lap and setting her beside him as he stood up and stumbled to the white king sized bed.

She waited a few minutes before she heard his heartbeat go steady, and snatched the book from the couch and practically ran to her room, she tried to shut the door silently but her hands were shaking violently from panic, 

She sat on the floor and tucked her knees under her self, she hastily flipped to the very last page and scanned each sentence with a dire need of reassurance, 

'As I watched her escape my grasp, her black hair floating in the air as she ran with the wind that parted for her

When she met the treeline she turned and looked at me with that hurt expression, I wanted to scoop her right back up and put her back in my pocket,

But I scolded myself for that thought, she had had enough, I was grateful for the short time that I spent with her, but I knew eventually that she would beat me at my own game and finally escape.  

I told them that she had tried to kill me and escaped, they were furious. I know I will meet her again, she will come back and exact her revenge, I cannot wait to see every inch of these seashell hallways dripping with remains. 

I know how she really is. I know who lurks behind those jade eyes, 

The world will be shocked when they find out that the Antichrist is actually a woman,

And in due time Im sure she would have dominated those who wished to force her into submission,

She will struggle, but she will adapt. '

She furrowed her eyebrows, Briar was just asking for his own hanging, 

It was highly possible that her father would be more motivated to finding her and bringing her back, he will probably hire a very experienced assassin or hunter to drag her back.

This was bad. Really bad.


author note

ok ok I just want to explain that I'm not intending to make amayaa overpowered-

its just I see in a LOT of fanfics that the female main character is always portrayed as weak, and not as strong as their partner or fuck buddies lmfao

i really wanted to bend the rules cus I'm tired of seeing all of these like borderline misogynistic fanfics, so I'm trying my best to balance out her power level and stuff like dont worry shes got her ass kicked multiple times and shes getting her ass kicked REALLL soon. 

and I dont think that she is stronger than illumi or hisoka or chrollo is just the range of her ability can be very intimidating, she has a REALLY good poker face that really sells it, and she knows how to read people well so shes knows when shes lost.

shes just really unstable and when I reread it chapter the instability really makes her look all like tuff in one chapter and really vulnerable in the next, I kinda like that and I hope yall do too becus is showcases her diff personalities.

that's all q_p

(sOOO sorry this was short, it really needed its own chapter,)

HIS BUNNY; THE SNAKE AND THE CROW (Chrollo Lucilfer Smut)Where stories live. Discover now