The Ball: Part 2

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After Biana dragged Sophie to a vanity and fixed up her makeup, they were ready to go.

Sophie put in a pair of heels, each shoe entrusted with diamonds and opal. For once, Sophie looked more elegant than Biana.

Biana, of course, still looked gorgeous with her chocolate brown hair curled in beach waves. Her makeup was flawless, bronze eyeshadow on her eyelids and peachy blush on her cheeks.

She wore a more flashy dress, with no sleeves and a bodice held up only by her chest. Surprisingly, the skirt of the dress wasn't massive, instead sleek and smooth. The front of the dress was pulled up, revealing her calves, the rest dragged across the ground in a train. It was a dark shade of teal to go with her eyes.

Finally, Biana took Sophie's hand, pulling her along so fast she nearly tripped several times.

The room which the ball was held in was massive.

It had a marble floor, two swans making a heart with their necks was chiseled in various types of rock. The walls seemed to go up for forever, attached to a massive chandelier that glistened in the light.

The ball was everything Sophie expected it to be. She knew practically no one there, yet everyone was there to celebrate her, even if they didn't know it.

She tried to hide, staying with Biana and Keefe to avoid attention.

It didn't help, however, that once she told them this they tried to be very social and introduce her to everyone.

Eventually, she pulled away from them. As she walked, her eyes met someone else's, Fitz's, to be exact.

Lost in her daze, she kept walking before bumping into a wall of muscle.

"Sir Kenric!" Sophie said once she steadied herself, apologizing.

"Sophie! Long time no see! You look wonderful." He replied.

"Thank you," Sophie smiled.

"Sophie!" Oralie said, suddenly popping out from behind Kenric. "It's wonderful to see you! But, I have news for you."


"Fitz is looking for you. It's time for your first dance as fiancés, and to officially start the ball. He's over there!" She pointed tot he center of the room.

She seemed a little too giddy, for someone she didn't even know, to go dance.

Fitz stood there, exactly where she had previously seen him. He laughed as he talked to the girls standing around him. They were clearly fawning over him.

With that new found information, Sophie felt a pull in her stomach. She felt hands rest on her bare shoulders.

"Jealous? Interesting, Princess R." Keefe said in her ear.

Sophie didn't even flinch, nor did she deny it.

"Oh, come on! Go!" Keefe said at last, twirling her around pushing Sophie forward.

She nearly fell over, but someone caught her hand. Sure enough, it was Fitz.

"We really need to stop meeting up like this." She whispered, looking up to Fitz.

"Maybe you need to stop being so clumsy." He teased her, helping her back to her feet. "What is it? A talent of yours?"

"More like an ability I have mastered." She laughed.

"Well, let's hope you don't use this ability of yours right now. People are staring at us. Shall we?"

He hinted towards the dance floor. Sophie nodded reluctantly, taking his hand as he whisked her away.

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