The Ball: Part 1

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I wanted to apologize that I haven't updated in a long time. BUT ALSO; this chapter is dedicated to gentletealflower they commented something very sweet and funny and it made me laugh. ON WITH THE CHAPTER!

"Today's the day!" Biana said as she burst into Sophie's room.

A groan came from Sophie's bed. She yawned and wrapped herself tighter in her blankets. "Bianaaaaa.. go away. It's so earlyyyyyy!"

"Well yeah, it's 4:43 A.M."

"WHAT?!" Sophie sat up in a jolt. "Biana why am I up so early?!"

"Because you've got a busy day!" Biana threw open the curtains, yet no light streamed in. "You've got training, ability testing, dress touch-ups, our shopping trip and the ball."

"I don't wanna..." Sophie drifted back into sleep. Biana ripped off her covers. "Hey!"

"Sophie, get up. You don't have ability testing with Bronte. So take that as motivation to get up."

"Is there a sleeping ability? Because I want that one."

"If there was, you'd be a master at it. Although I am sure there is one similar. Some Queen Alina has it. But that's not important! UP!"

After much yelling, Sophie finally got out of bed. Biana pulled her into her closet to display her new training outfit.

A pair of dark gray shorts, a white long-sleeved shirt with a high neckline, black sleeves and a pair of black flats.

"What happened to the other uniform?" Sophie asked.

"Fitz both did and did not like that uniform. Figured you'd like this one better anyway. It covers more."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well he didn't like that the other trainees were staring at you."

"What did he like?"

"Staring at you."

"BIANA!" Sophie blushed red.

"I'm just stating facts! My brother is a strange one. He's like an animal, he acts like a wild dog until he is tamed. He cowers before someone before going back to his feral state. Similar to his mad lust for you, which turned into him backing away, and now he's back."

"Mad lust?" Sophie blushed somehow deeper.

Biana laughed and nudged Sophie's arm. "Get dressed. We got a long day ahead of us."

Sophie quietly closed her door behind her, the hall was silent, draped in darkness.

"You're up early." A voice came from behind her.

She tried not to scream. Turning around, she saw a man standing with a candelabra, illuminating the space around him.

"Fitz! What are you doing up?" She asked, pressing her hand to her heart to set it back into a steady rhythm.

"You're lucky the only one Biana's screaming woke up was me."

He moved closer, examining her get up.

"Nice uniform."

"Thank you.."

They went quiet. You could hear a feather drop, no matter how lightly it fell to the ground.

"It's freezing." Sophie said at last.

"My bed is always open if you want to get warm."

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