An Eventful Day

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Fitz sat at the desk in his office, planning upcoming events, when someone knocked on the door in a pattern.

It creaked open, and seeing no one there, Fitz sighed. "Biana, I know that's you. I'm busy, what do you need?"

He felt two hands on his shoulders and jumped. A feminine voice laughed. "Guess again, darling!"

Fitz let out a sigh of relief. "It's just you mom, you scared me."

"Just me?" Della asked as she walked from behind him to the front of his desk, flicking in and out of sigh as she went.

"Well not- you know what I mean."

"I do." She smiled. "Your father and I know you've been working hard on all these events and we thought it might be nice to have a break."

"What kind of break?" He raised one eyebrow.

Della smiled and handed him a white envelope with a teal wax seal. "Your father and I thought this would be a good idea. Help you get closer to her~."

She basically sang the last part.

Fitz quickly scanned over the letter, his eyes widening as he read. "Mother! I-."

But Della was gone.

"You've been to training a couple times, you seem off today." Wylie told Sophie as they walked the outside of the training grounds.

Sophie took a deep breath. "Did you ever meet Bronte?"

They stopped.

"Bronte? Grumpy old man with inflicting? Of course I have." Sophie sank lower into herself with every word he said. Seeing her reaction, it didn't take too long for him to connect the dots. "Did he hurt you?!"

"He trained me. Or..he tried to. I'm an inflictor too, I thought I could handle it. Apparently I can't."

"I thought you were a Telepath?" He asked.

"I am, it's..complicated."

"Take a break Sophie. In fact, take the rest of the day off. Get some rest."

"That's not how improving works! I can't always have people tell me I have to rest and 'take a break'!"

"Princess, you're hurt."

"Inflicting isn't physical pain! It's mental. You just feel like it's real. Captain please, I can do this. I'm not some little girl everyone needs to babysit."

He stared at her for a long time. And only then did Sophie notice there were other men staring at them.

"You're stubborn." He said at last.

"So I've been told."

He scowled. "The second you can't fight, you're going to your room for the rest of the morning."

She sighed with relief. "Thank you."

He walked up to her when everyone else had left. He whispered, "I do not mean to sound rude. I care for every single one of my trainees. That prince of yours would have my head if he knew you got badly injured here."

"And her cousin!" A voice said from behind her.

"Huh?" She turned her head before she felt arms wrap around her and pick her up. "DEX! PUT ME DOWN!"

She looked at him with a scowl, but she couldn't hide her smile.

"I agree with Wylie," he said, still refusing to put Sophie down, even as she tried to slip free of his grasp. "As your personal guard, I want the best for you. Now who's this Bronte brat?"

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