Chapter Twelve

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Two weeks later Shigraki was once again sitting in the remains of a room full of broken furniture and piles of ash. However this time he was not laughing or sobbing, instead he just sat there his face hidden by "Father", his arms resting listlessly next to him.

All For One sighed internally, this was almost as bad as when he had first stumbled upon him as a young boy and it tugged at what was left of his little black heart. It pained him to see his apprentice in such anguish.

Yet like everything else he did it was a necessary evil, his feet crunched on the broken glass as he made his way into the room. Settling a heavy hand on his shoulder he frowned as Shigaraki didn't acknowledge him, or even react for that matter.

"I'm sorry, truly I am. We did everything we could. She doesn't want to be found..." He made sure to add sympathy into his voice as he gazed down at the dirty unwashed locks. Shigaraki had been relentless in his search for Kagome and the people he thought took her.

Obviously that search reared no progress, Kagome was locked away and would remain as such until he deemed it necessary to free her. If that day ever came.

"Why....why would she just run?" Shigaraki's voice was a broken hollow thing and it made Kurogiri look down in shame from the doorway. All For One sighed as he tightened his grip on the boy's frail shoulder.

"She was scared of the darkness growing in you...but don't worry. I won't run, I'll always be here for matter what." He could only smile as Shigaraki gave a low whimpering sob as he latched onto his hand like it was his life line. His shoulders shook as he sobbed and broke down.

Shigaraki was broken but he would put him back together, he would mold and shape him into what he needed to be in order for their plans to work.

Kurogiri could only look away as the guilt churned and ate away at him from the inside, this was all going according to plan so he should be happy, right? If so, why did he feel so very disgusted with himself...

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