Chapter One

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"Ne Tomura we'll be together forever right?" Her voice was light as she sat next to him, her pinky finger curled around his. Deep red eyes that were normally void shone with emotion as they turned to gaze down at the raven head leaning on his shoulder. His eyes softened as she turned her deep blue eyes up to gaze up at him in wonder.

The love and innocence in their depths made his heart clench, he knew he didn't deserve her, she was far too good for him but she was his. She was all that was left of that boy who had been left crying in a room full of corpses. His childhood friend turned sweetheart once they had reconnected. How surprised he had been to see her show up with a group of recruits for his newly budding league of villains.

He didn't know what had happened to her while they were apart but whatever it was it had turned her from a pro hero wanna be to a vigilante. To this day she didn't speak of it and he wouldn't make her. She had never asked him what had happened, why he was now the heir to the world's number one villain, instead they had merely picked up where they had left off and just kept moving forward.

"Of course. Don't ask silly questions." His voice was low as he leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead in a rare show of affection. Their league wasn't much of a league. So far it was him, her, and Kurogiri. All For One was almost never at their base in Kamino and for that he was grateful. While he viewed the man as a father figure he was not subtle when it came to his questioning of Kagome's place in the league.

He called her a weakness, a liability.

It put a vile taste in his mouth, she was not a weakness. If anything she spurred him on, urging him to do what he needed to make his vision a reality. Sure, he would admit he did humor her a bit too much, at her request he didn't wear his hands when they were at the bar, and sure he at times put off training to spend the day with her but that was besides the point.

She was the last thing that he held that proved to the world that Tenko Shimura had existed.

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