Chapter Fourteen

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Kagome woke up to pain and groggy, she wasn’t aware of her surroundings. Everything felt like it was in slow motion as blurred figures were around her. She could hear the sounds of voices yelling orders and hands on her. 

She tried to fight, but her body wasn’t listening to her. Her limbs were heavy as she tried to move but only ended with a twitch here and there. 

Feeling a sharp pain she gasped, her eyes glancing to her stomach. It was bigger than last time she saw it. Had she been put asleep that long? Had that many months passed by without her knowing it. 

“Now, now Miss Higurashi....take deep breaths. The shot I gave you will kick and and we can start the procedure.” The voice of the doctor from before entered her vision. She couldn’t remember his name at the moment. Alot of things were fuzzy to her. 

“Procedure?” Kagome croaked out, her voice raspy from the lack of use. 

“To have your child. A C-section. No need to worry. Everything will be fine.” The doctor gave her a manic grin, she supposed it was to be comforting.  Beside the doctor she could hear the voice of All For One...anger burned through her as she thought of him. 

This isn’t how it was supposed to happen....Why...

She was so out of it she didn’t know how much time went by as she felt being cut open, it didn’t hurt but she knew they were down there. She just wanted her child to be safe....the feeling of fear creeped into her as she heard the cry of a child.

With blurry eyes she saw the baby passed off, “Please! Give me my child back. It is mine...” Kagome begged. That was her child. 

“Don’t worry, your daughter, will be well taken care of.” The doctor said as she was handed off and Kagome continued to cry as she was cleaned up. She could only cry and scream for them to give her daughter back. 

That she belonged to her. 

It the midst of the screaming, she felt a small prick on her arm, and her screams died out as she was given what she knew as a sedative. She felt tears still falling down her cheeks as she succumbed to darkness.. 

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