Chapter 17: Preparations

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The next morning, everyone was awake by 10am. Wei WuXian as usual had protested against being woken up at 9 and Lan Wangji had given in to let him sleep for another hour.

"Is..Wen Ning coming with us?" Jiang Cheng looks over at where he was talking to Sizhui.

"That's up to him," Wei WuXian answers, twirling his flute in one hand. "If..if he wants to fight alongside us, he can do that too." Jiang Cheng only nods in response. He could see Jin Ling walking over to Sizhui and Wen Ning, nervously shuffling his hands as he spoke.

As he speaks, Lian Qing and Liu Yue come out of the house with more supplies and push them into their arms despite their protests that they'd already brought supplies themselves.

"There are herbs in case you need to apply more medicine. Young Master Lan's leg has healed enough for him to walk, but make sure he doesn't strain it, alright?"

"We'll make sure. Is his spiritual energy recovered enough to mount the sword?" Wei WuXian tilts his head at the question.

"We're flying back?"

"Mm," Was Lan Wangji's response.

"I'll be fine," Jingyi says reassuringly. Sizhui looks over at his friend

"If you get tired, then we're stopping," Sizhui adds. "I'll fly next to you." Jingyi purses his lips but doesn't protest. Everyone quietly bid one another farewell. Jin Ling and Sizhui linger to one side, whispering to one another before they depart with Sizhui gazing after him longingly as he walks away.

"Don't go anyways, alright? I'll come visit you soon," Jiang Cheng says to Wei WuXian who only smiles in response.

"Where would I go? Cloud Recesses is my home." His words mirrored the ones he had once said at Lotus Pier so much that Jiang Cheng tenses, but relaxes soon after.

"Remember it's not your only home." He turns away, ears turning slightly red before his brother could respond.

Jiang Cheng finally mounts his sword, his disciples following close behind on theirs. Lan Xichen returns back to the others. Clan leader Ouyang had already left. Jingyi gets onto his sword carefully with Sizhui mounting on his close by. With Lan Wangji holding Wei WuXian steady, they mount onto Bichen together.

"Let's go then," Lan Xichen checks to make sure everyone was secure before they took off.


"Clan leader Jiang!" He was greeted as soon as he landed. The head disciple, Jiang Xun runs over, his face serious.

"Is something wrong?" Jiang Cheng could hear the anxiety in his voice.

"Something strange happened with...Wei WuXian's sword last night." Jiang Cheng curses under his breath. Why didn't I think about what might happen back at Lotus Pier? Especially when the sword is kept here. I'm so stupid.

"What happened? Was anyone hurt?" He demands. Jiang Xun shakes his head.

"It was rattling uncontrollably in the storage room. We were worried something would go wrong so we locked the room and placed talismans on the door." Jiang Cheng relaxes slightly, but can't dispel the rest of his worries. The eclipse drawing close really is arousing the spirits. Even when holding onto Sandu now, he could feel more power than usual surging under his grip. Zidan's energy on his wrist was almost overwhelming.

"Clan leader?" Jiang Xun asks hesitantly. "Are we still going to give Wei WuXian the sword? It's his, is it not?"

"Eventually," Jiang Cheng answers. "But not anytime soon. Send a letter to Clan Leader Nie to come to Lotus Pier. Let him know we can't wait any longer."

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