Chapter 10: Carp Tower

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 Another month had passed since Wei WuXian had his more relieving conversation with his brother. They had met up once or twice for nighthunts, bringing along Jin Ling, Sizhui, and Jingyi. Though the three juniors often went off in their own separate group, leaving the adults to talk. Jiang Cheng had not mentioned anything about bringing Wei WuXian to Lotus Pier and Wei WuXian never brought up the topic. He simply asked questions about Jin Ling's childhood and if it was difficult raising him while Jiang Cheng asked him where he had been the past year. Wei WuXian had told him about meeting Baoshan Sanren and how she helped him strengthen his core. When Jiang Cheng jokingly asks if he wanted to duel, Wei WuXian simply laughs and refuses, telling his brother that his core was nearly as strong to have enough spiritual energy to beat his brother.

"My core has been slowly strengthening ...thanks to all these nighthunts and qi meditation practice with Lan Zhan...but it's not even close to being as strong as my ol-, I mean your core." Wei WuXian corrects himself. Jiang Cheng had tensed slightly and Wei Wuxian had looked away quickly, knowing that neither of them liked talking about the topic and tried to avoid it the best they could.

Over time, Jiang Cheng seemed to want to drag Wei WuXian on more and more night-hunts. At first Wei WuXian thought it was because Jiang Cheng wanted to talk to him, but most of their night-hunts were silent with neither of them saying anything. Wei WuXian didn't mind however, as the more night-hunts he went on, the stronger his core became. So much for taking it slow though. I thought Jiang Cheng would be the kind of person to avoid trying to see me all the time.


"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan peeks into the room of the Jingshi. "Are you ready?" Wei Ying tucks his flute and his sword into his belt and comes to the doorway.
"I guess...I don't know. The last time I went to Carp Tower didn't turn out too well. And I'm nervous about meeting these new clan leaders. I'm sure they've heard tales about me, both bad and good." Lan Zhan takes Wei WuXian's hand reassuringly.

"You don't have to worry. There's only three clan leaders you haven't met yet at the Cultivation Conference. Clan Leader Yao isn't around any more and you have the support of the Lan, Jiang, and Jin Clan. And I'm sure Clan Leader Nie and Clan Leader Ouyang will support you too. And I want to officially make the announcement to everyone about our engagement." Wei WuXian smiles. The two of them start walking towards the gate entrance.

"Clan Leader Ouyang Zizhen, right? I remember him, he was a funny kid. I'm sure he'd make a great clan leader. And it'd be interesting seeing Nie-Xiong again."

"Mn. Shall we go then?"

"Is it just us and your brother?"

"Sizhui is coming along. Jingyi is not joining us this time though."

"Is it a good idea to keep him here though? He might wreck all of Cloud Recesses." Wei WuXian laughs. Lan Wangji shakes his head gently.

"Not alone. It's usually all four of the juniors combined before they end up breaking something." Once they meet up with Lan Xichen, they start travelling to LanLing. The Lan Clan leader walks further ahead while Lan Wangji and Wei WuXian walk with Sizhui.

"I have something to tell you...I should have told you last month, but I didn't think it was important. But after it happened again, I think I should tell you now." Sizhui says suddenly.

"A-Yuan, what is it? Tell us what?" Wei WuXian slows down.

"I had a strange dream. It was really weird and I think it's important and may have something to do with demonic cultivation." At this, Lan Wangji was alert, turning his attention towards his son. Sizhui explained the first dream he had first, the one he had told Jin Ling about.

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