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Whitney looks horrified at what the boys are doing. She was early and didn't realize that it would be so terrible to be there beforehand. There were several of them, six at least. She is even more sickened as she sees the twin of the one being abused, the one that paid her, is the one leading the abuse against his brother.

Whitney makes sure that she doesn't make any noise. She has no desire to bring attention to herself. They are likely to attack her like they just finished with John. Whitney has had enough abuse to last her a lifetime.

Once she is sure that Michael and his thugs, that he calls friends, are gone, Whitney cautiously comes out of her hiding spot. She goes to John and cleans him to the best of her ability. "I'm sorry, there was no way I could stop them."

"You should leave. If they come back and see you they will do the same to you." John tells her. He's not used to being treated nicely, but the fact that the female is trying to help him and even apologizes for not stopping the attack comes through to him.

Whitney gives him a pained smile. "I can't leave, your brother paid me to," Whitney finds herself blushing. That gives her pause, she hasn't blushed in years. She thought the ability had been beaten out of her years ago.

"Michael paid you to what?" John asks curious.

"He paid me to give you a blow job."

John looks at her in confusion. "Why would he ask someone like you to give me a blow job and why would you accept?" John looks over the girl before him and sees one of the most modest looking females he's ever seen. The clothes are baggy, although clean and in good condition, they hide everything about her shape that they possibly could. Nothing about her appearance says that she would be someone willing to give sexual favors for money.

She looks down in shame, "I'm one of your father's special whores. I was assigned here and your brother recognized me as one of the whores that work for your father. He said that he wanted to give you something special since he had to do something so terrible. I didn't understand it at the time." Whitney does her best to hold back her tears.

"My brother is paying the price for the blow job?" John wants to make sure that he has that right. Miserable Whitney nods.

"You'll get in trouble if you don't do the job, won't you?" John says far more gently than he had been before with her. He is intimately familiar with how his father will punish her if she doesn't do what she is paid for. He has no wish to cause her more pain.

Whitney nods, unable to look at the man she was paid to service.

"If you are one of my father's special whores then you must be really good. Go ahead, I don't want to be the cause of any pain towards you."

It doesn't take long for John to go from pain wracked to pleasure filled.

Once he finishes he kisses her and tells her thanks, "If I had money I would give you a bonus. I'm sorry. If there was anything I could do to change things for you, I would."

Whitney gives him a tremulous smile. "It's alright, at least you didn't hurt me. I hope I was able to help you in some way."

"You did," John says then leans down and gives her another kiss. One leads to many, "I'm sorry, I wish I could pay you." John says pushing himself back before he takes things too far.

Whitney shrugs to herself, what's one more beating? She leans forward and kisses John back.

"Whitney, I can't pay you. Why did you do that? You know what will happen to you." John says later. He doesn't regret what she freely gave him, but he does regret that it will cause her pain by doing so. She doesn't deserve that. He hadn't been blind to the faint white scars that litter her back freely. He knows that she's been punished and harshly by the looks of it. He doesn't want to cause her more pain.

Whitney gives him a soft smile, "I wanted to. You didn't deserve what those boys did to you. I can't help you in any other way. I wanted you to have a good thing happen to you to help make this bitter day not so bitter."

John finds himself spitting out rather bitter words himself. "So you made it so that you will be punished just as harshly as I had been. My brother paid for the blow job, but not for the other. You will be beaten and..."

Whitney stops his words with a kiss. "I am well aware of what my choice will cost me. It won't be the first time I've been beaten, at least this time it will be for something I deserve." John looks at her with those words and sees the deep pain.

"What do you mean?" He demands a bit more harshly than he'd intended.

"I mean, that although I hate pain and do all that I can to avoid it, they still seem to choose me to take their anger out on. I get punished even if I haven't done anything to earn the punishment. This time at least I'll have earned it. And I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed earning it." Whitney says that last part with a wicked little smile before finishing getting dressed and with a wave disappears.

As soon as she is out of sight John pulls out his phone. "Michael, you will pay the price for a full lay to Whitney. She was willing to go above and beyond and take no thought of her own pain for doing so."

Michael, on the other end of the line takes his phone and looks at the caller ID to make sure that it truly is his brother on the other end of the line. "Who is this?" He still can't wrap his head around what John is telling him. John doesn't see people and couldn't care less what happens to them. 

With the exception of himself, Michael has to concede. John always gives a shit what happens to him. John's taken extra punishment to keep Michael from feeling the beatings. Damn near died because of it.

Michael, for some time has believed that their father succeeded in beating out the humanity, or most of the humanity from John. John doesn't see people, except for those that he believes could be or are traitors and betrayers. Then the look he has while watching them is one you never want to have turned on you.

The only exception had been himself. John has always been loyal to him, even when their father has forced Michael to be the one to beat and humiliate John. Like today. He'd been ordered to take his friends and assault John. 

The first time their father had ordered him to do that Michael had balked. John had told him that he wants him to follow through. That he would rather take the punishment then have Michael punished for disobedience. 

Michael still feels the tears from John ordering him to follow through on that. At night, in their rooms Michael has John give him back everything that was done to him earlier. He doesn't want John to end up hating him. John is the only one that he can fully trust.

"Knock it off, Michael, you know damn well who it is. I want her paid for full services, not just the blow job you paid already. She doesn't deserve to be punished when she was only trying to help me."

"I don't understand, John." Michael is beyond confused at this point but is more than willing to pay the whores price if his brother actually noticed her.

"She willingly gave herself to me even after I pulled away to keep her from being punished. I warned her that I didn't have the price to pay and didn't want her punished since she wouldn't be paid." John scowls at this, he should have the same allowance as Michael, but his father won't give him any money.

Michael frowns as well. He has never heard of his father's whores, especially the elite ones like Whitney, willing to work for free. It is painfully taught to them to get the money before the services. He is sure that John would have paid the price if he'd had the money. 

Michael hates his father, he's just too weak to kill him. He hates him, but not enough to kill him and he could never kill his brother. John on the other hand would have no problem killing their father, but has refused to do it for the last two years because in two more years their father will hand over the mafia and there wouldn't need to be a killing.

Michael has tried to get John to do it, he doesn't want to see John punished like today again.

"I'll do the wire transfer as soon as I get off the phone." Michael promises. 

"Good." John says then hangs up the phone.  He starts making his way home. For the first time in a long time there is a smile on his face. Most would be hard pressed to see it, it's so faint, but those that know him wonder why he's in such a good mood.

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