Chapter 9 - A Frustrated Return

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A/N: Thank you so much for 100k views! I'm absolutely floored, I can't believe we've gotten this far. I appreciate you all for sticking around this long, and I apologise for the lack of updates, so I hope this makes up for that. It's a short one, but hope you guys enjoy it! Also I'm a little rusty so forgive me if there are many mistakes.

There was an uneasy, dreading silence that gripped the two of them, as they entered into a side office from the Great Hall.

With the professor Lupin guiding them forward, a spring in his step showed his confidence, and for once Y/N's own spring
had faulted, and even Fenrir's too.

Casting a brooding gaze to the row of candle lights and stone walls to his right, Y/N set his sights on the surrounding area, to distract his head that buzzed back with a million questions.

All while Fenrir, for the most part, had been shocked. Even he was perplexed and caught off guard when the rag-wearing professor revealed he had seen him.

'It's not possible.' Fenrir drawled out, the voice panicking in Y/N's head. And that was a shock, Fenrir panicked? 'It's just not possible. It can't be--'

'Shut up.' Y/N inwardly glared, feeling the spirit's anxiety spark back at him, causing his stomach to churn, and not in a good way. 'Just shut up.'

Professor Lupin came across to Y/N as a kind hearted soul, a gentle one. One laced with great compassion and understanding, but for the life of him, Y/N couldn't help but scowl at the back of the man's head.

Or was that Fenrir, eh, if he was being honest, it was the both of them.

They hadn't spoken a word, neither of them, well not vocally. With being shocked into silence, and then carted off to god knows where in the castle, Y/N couldn't dare to open his mouth to speak.

Coming to a stop, Lupin gazed around, before his eyes settled on an office to the left (that Y/N assumed was his) and walked up to the oak steeled covered door. Opening it with a quick grace, and ushered Y/N inside.

Once inside, Y/N took note of the room.

It was sparse.

The room occupied a wooden desk stacked with numerous books and notes, while a shelf stacked away was bare empty. In the far left corner sat a blackened caulderen and some, what Y/N could gather, was jars of potions and whatnot, though he barely glanced at what they were exactly.

"Take a seat," Y/N almost jumped out of his skin when the professor spoke, and turned back to face the man who's charming smile had finally donned itself, "Please." He offered a hand to the single chair that laid empty towards his desk.

Huffing, Y/N quickly took to his seat and sat down, bringing the chair closer to the desk by the way of dragging it against the stone flooring (to which Fenrir cringed at the obnoxious sound) and finished when his body was close enough that it wasn't shrouded away.

Lupin took his own seat across from him, a comfy leather seat that was probably the most rich and costly thing in the room, and centered his gaze to the younger boy in front of him.

Folding his hands in front of him, Lupin placed them on the table, and spoke gently, "How are you feeling?"

Caught off guard, Y/N gaped slightly at the question before answering, "Fine." It was short and perhaps too low for his liking, not that Lupin deserved it, "I've been better." He answered truthfully.

His smile widening, Lupin relaxed back into his seat and nodded, "As I thought. It's not everyday a person is subjected to the dark tenderalling gaze of a dementor."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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