Chapter 9 - Potions, Rouges And Mysteries

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Since the disastrous episode of the pixies, Professor Lockhart had not brought live creatures to class. Instead, he read passages from his books to them, and sometimes reenacted some of the more dramatic bits.

Which Y/N absolutely hated.

Speaking of Y/N, Lockhart usually picked him to help him with these reconstructions; so far, Y/N had been forced to play a simple Transylvanian villager which he didn't find amusing at all. All the students could do was watch as Y/N and Lockhart acted out the script from the books. He had a feeling Lockhart was doing this to get under his skin, which he was already at anyway but clearly Lockhart didn't care but Y/N bloody well did. Just when he couldn't take anymore of it, the bell rang and Lockhart got to his feet.

"Homework – compose a poem about my defeat of the Wagga Wagga Werewolf! Signed copies of Magical Me to the author of the best one!"

The class began to leave. Y/N returned to the back of the room, where Harry, Ron and Hermione were waiting.

"Ready?" Y/N muttered.

"Wait till everyone's gone," said Hermione nervously. "All right..."

She approached Lockhart's desk, a piece of paper clutched tightly in her hand, Harry and Ron right behind her.

"Er – Professor Lockhart?" Hermione stammered. "I wanted to – to get this book out of the library. Just for background reading." She held out the piece of paper, her hand shaking slightly. "But the thing is, it's in the Restricted Section of the library, so I need a teacher to sign for it – I'm sure it would help me understand what you say in Gadding with Ghouls about slow-acting venoms."

"Ah, Gadding with Ghouls!" said Lockhart, taking the note from Hermione and smiling widely at her. "Possibly my very favorite book. You enjoyed it?"

"Oh, yes," said Hermione eagerly. "So clever, the way you trapped that last one with the tea-strainer–"

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Y/N muttered as he watched the shameless display act out.

"Well, I'm sure no one will mind me giving the best student of the year a little extra help," said Lockhart warmly, and he pulled out an enormous peacock quill. "Yes, nice, isn't it?" he said, misreading the revolted look on Ron's face. "I usually save it for book-signings."

"Probably not all he saves it for." Ron whispered into Harry and Y/N's ears, making the boys gag.

Lockhart scrawled an enormous loopy signature on the note and handed it back to Hermione.

"So, Y/N," said Lockhart, while Hermione folded the note with fumbling fingers and slipped it into her bag. "Tomorrow's the first Quidditch match of the season, I believe? Gryffindor against Slytherin, is it not? I hear you're a useful player, alongside Harry."

Obviously knowing nothing about seekers or Chasers, or Quidditch for that matter.

"I was a Seeker, too." Looking at Harry for a second before turning to Y/N."Was asked to try for the National Squad, but preferred to dedicate my life to the eradication of the Dark Forces. I heard your mother was a remarkable Chaser. Too bad for her, though I helped her become who she was, without me she would've been nothing." Lies, lies and lies. All of them.
Y/N knew that for a fact. Though the fact that Lockhart may of known his mother made his skin crawl. "Still, if ever you feel the need for a little private training, don't hesitate to ask. Always happy to pass on my expertise to less able players..."

Y/N made an indistinct noise in his throat
and then hurried off after Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"I don't believe it," Harry said as the four of them examined the signature on the note. "He didn't even look at the book we wanted."

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