Chapter 1 - Visiting The Dentist

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A/N: Sorry I took so long. I got writer's block about half way through the chapter and it really threw me off. But I hope you guys enjoy this one and I'll see you in the next one!

Summer Holidays were a fun, joyful and relaxing time for students. Their time away from schools, to empty out their brains of anything worthwhile and plug it full of useless junk that no one cared, nor bothered about.

Yet, here Y/N was. Not even close to fitting those things. Though, he had to admit that he was... intrigued by the shifts and changes in his life, well some of them at least.

It had been a month since the trip to Spain. Now reaching into mid to late August, things had begun to change. Drastic changes that began to alter Y/N in more ways than most. For one, his connection, or spiritual, or whatever it was, with Fenrir was only increasing. So much that his alter side was beginning to affect him in his human form.

Such as, sense of smell for example. During the wolf form, that thankfully hadn't opened up for him in a while. Had begun to manifest itself into him as well. Which, Y/N wasn't sure if he liked because he could pick out practically any smell at any time. Not to mention he could pick up on others.

And by that, it meant other people's emotion. Like a predator scoping out there prey, weighing out their mannerism. He could smell and sense things from his father he would normally not detest.

For Y/N. It was weird, very, very weird.

And, even more, he had seen an increase in his eyesight and vision as well. Being able to see from further away, that was actually a bonus to him. And among other things, like strength and endurance, though he admitted not much of that had affected him, only while in wolf form. But it was beneficial to have greater smell and eyesight when not in a blinding rage.

In other news. His... relationship? Friendship? No, coexistence? Yeah, that sounds about right. Was, surprisingly at a standstill. Nothing had progressed, yet it hadn't been discouraged.

The two were fine together, for the most part.

Though Y/N had found Fenrir to be quite annoying at times, and vice versa. But Fenrir had argued that he was a part of him, like a part of him was built from Y/N himself.

So when he complained about him being too much to handle, the unworldly spirit had excused that he was practically his other half.

And that he should be treated as such, and not blame him, but himself for how annoying and unbearable he was.

'Cheeky bastard.'

But apart from that, they were on okay terms. There were questions he wanted to ask him. About where he came from, what he was exactly, and why the fuck had he chosen him.

But it wasn't hard to figure that one out. He had been told that his mother had also had the same affliction. Funnily, Fenrir had berated him for calling him an ailing or affliction and demanded to be classed as a living person.

But was he that?

They were both sharing the same bloody body. Well, Fenrir was more likely hiding in his body, he had no control over Y/N except with his powers... right?

Either way, things were looking good... for that part anyway.

The other part... that was strange. Strange for both him and anyone who knew him.

Since the attacks last year and the start of him releasing Fenrir; getting his wicked/dangerous powers. His father had booked time away and had promised (I know right?) that he would stay behind more this year and to help him.

(On Hold) The Wolf and The Otter (Hermione Granger X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now