Chapter 7 - The Dementor

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'Fucking hate paperwork.'

It wasn't that hard to figure out that, Daniel L/N, wasn't too keen on paperwork, or writing in general. He was more used to the basics of field work and the outdoors.

The rudimental and much needed after work was always Maria's thing. She was far better at it than him.

'No. Now it's all up to me, isn't it?' As he looked up from his desk, and to the roofing of his office. 'You were always so much better than all of this than me...'

Sighing, he thought to himself as he returned to his work, and flicked through another stack of white sheet paper documents.

But, here he was, alone in his office, a quiver of ink in his hand as he scribbled in the much needed confirmation of his previous works outside of the Ministry.

'Penelope Gale... dark wizard, admission: Azkaban. Heh, not the only one.'

It wasn't the only one he had to fill in. Daniel was very renowned in the wizard world as a great auror. It's why the L/N and Malfoy rivalry was such a messy thing.

Daniel, like a good portion of his small circle of friends (which wasn't much) always expected Lucious to still be in the leagues with the dark wizard: Voldermort. And his death eaters, yet they had no proof.

'Good for nothing prick.' Daniel adjusted his reading glasses as he filled out the last details. 'Subject: erratic, and possibly psychotic.' He scratched that out, and corrected himself. 'Definitely psychotic.' He shuddered as he remembered just how much of a bad spot he was in the last time.

Life as an auror was dangerous, yet he found it... fun, in a way. He enjoyed the good he did, and, putting those scumbags where they belonged was always just as satisfying as putting them down.

Everytime he did do it, he felt his heart feel freer once more, like a weight was lifted off his shoulder.

Despite the unhealthiness of such actions, Daniel had insisted it was alright. It's why he requested so much work, so much that the others were beginning to become iriate at his stealing of their potential work.

'Crime waits for no one. Especially in the wizarding kind.'

"Hmm, I never figured I'd find you wasting away in an office with such a large amount of paperwork,"

A small shrewd voice called out as Daniel had barely heard the door open. "Seems people really do change. As I remember, you were more of a shoot first, ask questions later kind of wizard."

"It seems your terrible sense of humour is still intact." Daniel remarked as his eyes still focused on the paper in front of him, not bothering to look up just yet. "Shame your marriage isn't." He snarked as he finally looked up to see the man hide a wince, yet his face was as impassive as the last he saw him.

Michael Crawford, a small, harmless thing, or what most would think.

Despite his small height, Michael was cunning, intelligent and rather smart. But ambitious, perhaps a bit too much. He had dark hair, green eyes, and stood just to the length of Daniel's shoulders at full height.

The shrewing man gave a tight smile. "What can I say, people fall in and out of love all the time. It's just a matter of how and when." He approached Daniel's desk as he finally gave him his full attention, his hands interlocked in front of him. "I'm sure you have swimming prior experience in such matters?"

Daniel narrowed his eyes slightly. "Like you said, it happens more than we'd like to admit. Things change, and people do too." He removed his hands from the desk, and placed them at the back of his head as he laid back against the chair. "Something you're not too fond of, I hear. Lucious Malfoy seems to be getting chummy with Fudge."

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