"They severely underestimated how strong a Primitive dead walker is." Fawn sighed. "Unlike them, I don't think all dead walkers are bad," she said quietly. "Benjamin kidnapped one of the witches staying at my place that night only to let her go soon after. He just wanted them to leave him alone."

"Yeah and apparently not all witches are good," Lainey said. "I mean, look at Ursula. Or Demetrius. Hell, I was attacked by a witch the other day."

Fawn narrowed her eyes at Lainey.


"Yeah, they just barged in and--"

"Wait, how about we do that thing again," Fawn said, closing her eyes. "Think about what happened."

Lainey sighed.

"Please don't tell me this is going to be a thing now."

With a smile, she opened her eyes and shrugged.

"Or you could explain in great detail everything that transpired that day."

Lainey smiled and rolled her eyes.

* * *
Colt always spent the weekends at home. If it weren't for his mom, he'd had moved in with Oscar a long time ago. But his mother wasn't in the best of health, being severely overweight and suffering from heart disease. He didn't want to add to her suffering. Especially since his father seemed committed to making her life a living hell.

Many times Colt even came close to asking Oscar and his mother if it was okay for his mom to stay with them, too. Then Colt would never have to go back to that hell palace.

He swore to himself as he kicked a pebble down the sidewalk. Each step he took closer to home made him angrier. Just thinking about his father and what he put him and his mom through made Colt want to explode.

"Hey, kid."

Colt heard a voice that drained every ounce of boiling rage inside him, turning him into a hollow, cold shell.

He turned to see the dark-eyed man named Joseph. At least he looked like a man. But Colt knew that this person was not human.

And he knew that he was dangerous.

"H-H-Hey," Colt stuttered.

Joseph narrowed his eyes at him.

"Your heartbeat sped up significantly. Everything alright?"

Colt vigorously nodded.

"Y-Yes. Just on my way h-home. My d-dad just makes me n-nervous. He's n-not a nice person."

Joseph displayed an irritated look.

"Look, kid, I'm not going to beat around the bush. You broke your promise."

Colt instantly broke down in tears. He knew what was coming. He knew that he'd never see Oscar again. He knew that he'd never see his mother again. He knew that he was going to die.

"I-I'm sorry. M-My friend just k-kept asking me where I was and --"

"And now you've involved him! Jeez kid, you're not making this easy for me!"

Colt was crying so hard, his nose was beginning to run. He didn't bother to wipe it. Why bother, he'd be dead soon anyway.

"I'm sorry," Colt whimpered.

Joseph sighed.

"I risked our exposure by deciding to trust you because I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. Then you go and break your promise, getting somebody else involved. You don't really leave me much if a choice now, kid."

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