Chapter 18

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It has been about five weeks since the last time Brian and I actually talk to each other. We only said our 'hellos' in the hallway, and that's it.

A few days after Brain and I talked, I went back to school. Everybody was asking me how I'm feeling and they're sorry Malcolm beat me up. A few other kids asked me about my bruises and if they could see them. I didn't want to because I'll feel uncomfortable showing them to everybody. I then saw Brian talking to his friends. He saw me too and excused himself from his friends before going to his first class.

My friends insisted they carry my books for me for a while. I had to sit out at gym class so I wouldn't hurt myself. A few of my classmates complained that it isn't fair that I had to sit out. Mr. Young told them that it's too bad because I have a bruised rib and told them if they complained about it again, they have to run fifty laps around the gym. They kept their mouths shut after that.

The strangest thing about that day is that Gabriella was actually being nice to me. She asked me how I was doing and gave me Skittles. I didn't knew how she knows they're my favorite candy. I thanked her for it and she told me not to mention it. But the next day, she got back to her old self.

The day Malcolm came back to school, we both had to apologize to each other like Brian said I had to. He still had the scratches on his face and the bruises started to disappear. When we faced each other, he gave me a scowl; Mrs. Gray told him he had to be nice about it. He muttered an apology and I apologized to him back. As soon as Mrs. Gray left, Malcolm came closer to me and said, "Listen here, you piece of shit. You did anything like that to me again, you're going to get something worse than me kicking you. Understand?"

I nodded my head and said, "Well, maybe you can quit being an asshole to me and we'll both be just fine."

His eyes got wide and I felt like he's going to hit me, but then he scoffed and walked away. He didn't bother me much after that, only to tease me. Danielle told me that Mrs. Gray told Malcolm if he ever lays a finger on me again, he'll be expelled.

They talked to the guy who uploaded the video of me beating up Malcolm. A boy from the football team started to record when Malcolm was talking shit about me because he thought it's funny that Malcolm isn't good at insulting anybody and I kicked Malcolm's ass. The principal of the Red Lake Falls high school made him take the video down.

The hardest thing about the whole five weeks is that Brian and I are not talking; it kind of hurt me that we're not speaking to each other. I know I was the one who told him we couldn't hang out for a while, so I guess the blame is on me. My heart aches whenever I see him. I tried to get over it by focusing on my homework, hanging out with my friends and family, and doing my breathing exercises, but it didn't work. It mostly didn't help that I hung out with his brother.

Speaking of my friends, a week after everything that has happened, they got used to my sexuality. They asked me questions about it, like when and how I found out I'm gay and of there's any guy in school I think is hot. I told them I found out I was in the seventh grade when I found out and I saw Captain America for the first time. I avoided the second question however, and I think they know who it is just by the look in their faces.

The good thing about this whole thing is that I got to know them better. Like for instance:

Seth. Not only does he has Brian and Keegan as siblings- he has six more! They are about the age of eight months to the sixth grade. After a week of the last time Brian and I talked, Seth started to notice we have been avoiding each other. When he asked me about it, I told him what happened at the party. He wasn't happy about it and warned me again about Brian. I told him about the last time we talked. He told me it's probably not a good idea and it's going to hurt us both; turns out he's right.

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