Chapter 7

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"Oh my god," Paul groaned, "why does Math have to be so hard?"

It's Friday and we're in the library doing our Math assignment during study hall. The teacher who we usually have study hall with has to leave early because her son got sick, so we got sent to the library.

Emma looked over at Paul's work. "Do you need help, Paul?"

"No...maybe...yeah." Emma scooted closer to Paul and I saw Xavier giving them a look. Why is he staring at them like that?

"Are you guys going to the football game tonight?" Rachel asked, picking at her fingernails.

"Yep," Seth said.

"Where is it tonight?" I asked.

"In Plummer," Austen said. "Are you thinking of going?"

"Yeah, I live near the field after all."

"And that's how you do it, Paul." Emma leaned back into her seat.

"Thanks, Emma," Paul said.

"What a fucking moron and a nerd," I heard someone said. We all looked to see Malcolm standing behind us smirking. Gabriella, Jarrod, and Ramona are all standing behind him.

"You got a problem with that, Malcolm?" Emma asked.

"Nope, not at all." He still have that stupid smirk on his face.

"That's great. Now don't you have anything to do now or are you gonna stand there staring at us?" Danielle asked.

"No, I got nothing to to do," he said.

"Then I guess you decide to stand there like a complete dumbass like you always are, huh?" I asked him. Danielle put her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh.

Malcolm walked over to me and put his hands on the table. "You better watch what you're saying."

"Why? What you're gonna do? Try to kick my ass again?" I asked him.

"C'mon, Malcolm. You're going to get into trouble again," Jarrod said.

"No, no, Jarrod. I'm going to do kick his ass this time," Malcolm said.

"Malcolm, remember the last time you tried to do that?" Danielle asked him.

"Yeah, well, there are no teachers here, and I don't see Brian anywhere," Gabriella said. She put her hand on Malcolm's shoulder. "Go ahead, Malcolm."

"You sure about that?" I heard someone ask. Malcolm lifted his head up and his eyes started to wide. "Turn around." We all looked to see Brian standing behind Malcolm with his arms crossed. He gives Malcolm and Gabriella a smile. "Now, what were you two were saying?"

"Nothing. I was just talking to my good friend Chris here." Malcolm put his arm around me. "Ain't that right, buddy?"

I took Malcolm's arm and got it off of me. "Yeah, right."

"Yeah, come on, Brian. We were just joking around. That's all." Gabriella started to rub Brian's arm with her hand.

I started to feel jealous when I saw the way that Gabriella is rubbing Brian's arm. I wonder if she's always this flirty with every guy she sees, or just with Brian. I just hope Brian isn't interested in her.

I felt a bit of relief when Brian pushed her hand off of his arm. "That's not what I heard," he said.

"Yeah, well, you heard wrong," Malcolm said. "Now why don't you do all of us a favor, and get your sorry ass out of here?"

"No. Here's a better idea. Why don't you get your sorry ass out of here because everybody here is sick of looking at your pathetic, ugly face?" Brian asked him.

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