Chapter 49

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We got to the school and got out of the car. We entered the school and walked to the office. Ms. King took us to the backroom where Mrs. Gray, Malcom, his parents, and Mr. Seong were sitting.

"Take a seat, Christopher," Mrs. Gray said.

Mom, Dad, and I sat down across from Malcolm and his parents. Malcolm's eyes are in narrow slits, giving me one of those 'You're dead' looks.

"Okay, now that we're all here," Mrs. Gray said, "I'm supposed you all know why, correct?"

"What's going on here?" Mrs. Berry asked.

"Your son posted something over the internet on Friday, that's what's going on," Mom said.

"What did he post?" Mr. Berry asked.

"Oh, don't you two act like you know," Mom said.

"No, we don't. We were out at Gerry's mom's house this weekend, and she's not fond of today's electronics," Mrs. Berry said.

Mrs. Gray took a piece of paper from a folder she has. "Mr. Seong saw this and showed me this picture your son posted on Friday."

Mrs. Berry takes it and looks at it. Her eyes widened and she looked at Malcom with an angry look on her face.

"Malcom Arthur Berry, what is the meaning of this, young man?" she asked.

"What did he do?" Mr. Berry asked.

Mrs. Berry gives him the picture and he takes it. He looks at it, then looks at his son. "You wanna explain this, young man?" he asked with a scowl.

"," he stuttered.

"Why would you do that, Malcom?" Mr. Seong asked.

"He kicked my ass at a party!" he yelled.

"It was three months ago. You can get over it," Mom said.

"No, I was talking about the one a month ago."

Mom turns to me. "Is that how you got that bruise on your forehead?"

"Um, yes."

"I can't believe you would do this. What were you trying to do? Make him end up like that...that Elliott boy," Mrs. Berry said. She looks at me. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you know..."

"I know," I said, interrupting her.

"Oh, so Brian told you then, huh?" Malcom asked with a smirk on his face.

"Wipe that damn smirk off your face," Mr. Berry said.

"I don't see what's the big deal about all of this," Malcom said.

"The big deal is you don't out someone else, Malcom. Why would you think that's okay?" Mr. Seong asked.

"I was doing him a favor."

"Did he ask you to do it? Did he give you permission?" Mr. Seong asked.

Malcom didn't say anything. He just leaned back in his seat.

"Exactly," Mr. Seong said. "And maybe he doesn't want to come out because of people like you. Don't you feel any remorse at all?"

"No, because he's a jackass," I said.

"Chris," Mom said.

I said to Malcolm, "You know what you were doing when you posted that picture. You posted it just to make you feel good about yourself only because I got into fights with you at two parties, but let's not forget you did worse: you gave me a bruised rib; you bring up with whatever happened last year to Brian's face; you called my grandpa lazy; and you were probably the one who told Gabriella to push me into that locker. And not you only outed me, you outed Brian a couple of years ago only because another girl likes him better than you."

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