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"I think three minutes are up by now " I said and nodded at the test wich were laying a foot away from us.

"You look, I can't!" She said scared.

"I don't want to look, you look!" I said and put the test in her hands.

"I don't want it you take it" She said to throwing it at me. It accidently hit it away at the same time as the door opened.Lauren walked in but stopped when he saw us sitting at the floor.

"Uh, what's going on in here?" She asked. I had totally forgot she was still at home.

"Oh, what's this!? A termomether?" She picked up the pregnacy-test and held it infront of our eyes. "It doesent seem to work" She said hitting it with one finger.

"Dude, it's Mani's pee stick your holding" I said shocked. Anyone could see that was a pregnacy-test!

"What!? Eeww!" She screamed and threw it away. Of course. My luck. It flew out of the newly opened window.

"No, Lauren !" Mani screamed, but it was to late.

"That was a pregnacy-test, It costed me twenty bucks!" I screamed

"Lur , I need you to concentrate. What did it say on it?" Mani asked, like she was talking to a child.

"Uh, two stripes I think" She said after much thinking.

"Were the stripes horizontal or vertical?" Mani yelled impatient.

"I don't know! I'm not good at math!" She yelled back frustrated.

"You don't have to be good at math to know that !" I screamed.

"Horizontal! Horizontal! They were horizantal!" She screamed and closed her eyes to think even harder.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Positive" She said, opened her eyes and breathed out.

"Don't say positive in a moment like this Lauren !"

"Fine, I'm sure!" She changed and looked at me shocked. This was really a big chaos.

"Guys.. Horizontal means.."

Means what!!! what does it mean
Dinah asked

"I'm not pregnant !"

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