"I said give me a second. Jeesh, it's like you guys don't have ears." Six very tall and very wide men met me. They all looked like the bench pressed my weight two or three times over but they all smiled devilishly at my comment.

"Sorry Seraphine. We didn't know if you heard the first one." The one who spoke had very little hair on his head as it was buzzed down and his eyes were the color of mud patties. If it weren't for his very large presence, I might have taken a liking to him.

"Like I said: No ears. Well, get your butts in here I guess. The truck will be here in fifteen minutes so there is the rest of the packing to do and getting my bedroom stuff ready." Somehow they all managed through the door and into the living room that I use to think was a comfortable family size. Nope. Just me sized. These guys barely all fit together.

"Since I pretty much have you guys for the day, I may as well get to know your names, real or not." Surprise lit up their features. I guess they weren't used to my kind of attitude. The guy I spoke to went first.

"Jacob." The guy standing behind him with blue eyes and bleach blonde hair spoke next.


"Jonah." With eyes as blue as the sky and hair as black as a raven's wing, I could barely take my eyes off of him.

"I'm Josh," said the fourth guy, his dark brown hair draping in front of his hazel orbs.

"Jesse." This guy looked a little different from the rest in the way he was a few inches taller than even the next tallest guy. Brown eyes bore into mine as his black hair spiked up in different directions.

"I'm James," said number six, his blue eyes so captivating that I didn't really notice the way his hair swooped in a curl held by gel.

"Huh, all of your names start with J. That's kinda funny really. You should be known as The J's." They all looked at each other and smirked.

"We get that a lot. Boss told us that you are moving and need help. Direct us to where you need and we will get it done," said Jacob. The all nodded in unison like a strange hot boy band.

"Just to remind you though, you have to buy us lunch," James injected. I gaped for a moment. There was no way I was going to be able to feed six very large men. Maybe with the new card Boss gave me but I didn't want to use that for anything that wasn't important.

"James, shut up man. You are scaring her," Jesse poked and came closer from behind the guys. "You don't have to feed us. He is just joking." I liked his attitude. Jesse was so friendly and made you feel like you could trust him.

He is one I will have to avoid the most.

Even though they were here to help me move, I reminded myself that they were sent by Boss. They were mafia grunts who just do the bidding of their master.

"Pizza okay?" They all groaned and started to almost salivate at the idea of food.

"Sounds good. We will have some once we have everything moved. A celebration of your new place." I agreed with Jonah and started sending guy after guy to rooms around the house to collect my things. Since the only rooms of the house were a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom there wasn't much to do. The heavy lifting would be the washer and dryer and my bed so it would take a bit for them to move those.

"Oh sweet, you got cats?" Josh exclaimed and poked his finger into their crate.

"Careful!" He snapped his hand back with a line of blood already pooling up around it. Mortified, I ran for the first aid kit and grabbed the largest Band-Aid I could find. Going back to him, I applied some antiseptic cream and wrapped the Band-Aid around his large finger.

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