Chapter 12

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Two Years Later

The fiesta was bustling with smiling faces and it all oozed deceit to some level. With powerful people such as the Boss and Mr. Mario, I have no doubt that the rest of the crowd in attendance was equally as scary.

Needing to socialize with members that he was going to need to know, Boss pulled me along with him as he introduced himself and I. More men gushed over my beauty while some wives or girlfriends looked on with jealousy or envy of either their spouse's words or my escort. It took little time before I started to receive dancing requests from more powerful members of the Brazilian mafia. Boss allowed for me to make the decision to dance or not and seeing as I was to perform later, I didn't want to strain my cords by being out of breath or tired. When Mr. Mario came back up and requested a dance, I felt more hesitation at agreeing not just because he was sweaty and would likely touch me where I didn't want his hands roaming but also because if I declined, he could take it as an insult.

That would be quite bad for Boss and the trade deal.

I agreed to one short dance that wouldn't strain my breathing and allowed the plump man to escort me to the dance floor, Boss looking on in irritation and reluctance. Mr. Mario shouted something to the band in Spanish that I didn't pick up on and soon the music was changed to be more up-beat but slow. Many joined in dancing as well but most just stared as I retained my composure while dancing.

As I had predicted, almost immediately his hands slid down to my hips and would occasionally feel my arse. I took a deep breath but continued as the musicians played a beautiful and flowing melody.

"You know senorita, I've heard stories about you and your job to Alexander. It was because of you that he was able to get the money to make a deal with me. After meeting you, I can see why. You must be very good at bending men to your will with that body of yours. Do you get paid after you sleep with them or before?" I paused and looked directly into his eyes with narrowed ones. How dare he think I was some common whore.

"Excuse me Mr. Mario but I am not that kind of woman. I am simply a human resources representative. That is all." I allowed for us to continue dancing. When I looked over to Boss, he was whispering to Charlie who was tensed up and appeared ready to jump to my rescue. I gave them a slight shake of my head to let them know I was okay and continued.

"Lo siento, Miss Seraphine. It was my mistake in assuming such. Forgive me." I decided that since this guy wasn't my Boss that I would be respectful but hold my head higher to show that even though I was a pretty face, I also had claws.

"If what you say is true senorita, then I have a proposition for you. A way for you to get everything you have ever wanted." Unsure of his meaning, I listened.

"And what is it that you think I want, Mr. Mario?" He spun me just as he said,


Mid spin, I froze and stared at him as if he had grown a second head. I signed a contract with Boss that would never allow me to escape from his clutches. There was no way to get away. What could this outsider know about me that I didn't?

Seeing me pause again, Boss finally stepped in and reached for my hand to take over being my dance partner. I glanced back to Mr. Mario and released his hand with a bow before continuing with Boss who was both a breath of fresh air and also a choking breath. From the look on his face he hadn't heard what the Brazilian mafia's leader had just said so I just danced lighter and more freely while adapting to being this close to Boss once more.

"What was he saying to you? I've never seen you so thrown off guard before." I couldn't tell him for fear of a deal not going down that could help the group so I told a partial truth.

"He thought that I was just a high class whore who had sex with men for large amounts of money. Hearing it come from someone who doesn't understand is just too insulting." The rosy lips before me pursed in held back anger and his stance became more rigid as he too spun me but pulled me back to his body quickly. This close, I could smell the cologne on his nape and could feel the heat of his body through his suit.

That same fluttering from earlier came back and I struggled to push it down to the darkness where I hide desires. Freedom from him wouldn't be such a bad thing. I wouldn't have to seduce men for money, live wherever I want, do what I want without having to check to make sure it is fine with him. Have my old life back.

But my heart was beating wildly with a different voice. One that was becoming more and more difficult to ignore as I found my place at Boss's side. As he gifted me with amazing things and allowed for small freedoms here and there.

Boss cared more than he admitted but he only saw me as a footman. And I am okay with that. But I don't think my heart will allow for me to be just that anymore.

It wants more.

It wants him.

"My Seraphine a whore? I spent too much time and effort to make sure that you aren't that. It would be too easy to just sell you on the street. Your worth is much too high for common insects to admire. No, you are my little song bird- my little temptress. Whore?" He scoffed and leaned me back to finish the dance.

My breath came out in short pants even though I hadn't danced all that hard and blinked to hold back tears at the realization that just hit me. No. I couldn't say it. If I admitted it to myself, it would mean that it was true and that my heart would be broken. I couldn't let that happen.

"Seraphine?" I cleared my throat and when the earth was back where it was supposed to be, I composed myself and walked with Boss back to Charlie and went off to a corner to have privacy.

"I've never slept with a client. I haven't even had sex in the past year." At the mention of sex, I glanced away and felt a throb between my legs. I really wish I had brought toys along on this trip so badly now. Maybe a cute Brazilian man could help tomorrow after my obligation to perform was over.

"I knew you didn't Seraphine. You were always the one to out-do yourself in that aspect. Though to be so devout to my wishes that you haven't had sex in a year. That is very impressive." Boss's words and deep voice didn't help the storm brewing in my body and after a glance at Charlie, I could practically feel the pheromones dripping off of them at the sight of me. A males natural instinct when they see a female who looks like she needs pleasure that they want to appease her.

This was no different.

"Boss," Charlie said quietly under his breath as a short Brazilian man who was in a suit similar to the guards came up to us.

"It is time," he said and taking the cue, we all moved to follow him. It was time for my performance.

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