Chapter 8

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2 Years Later

We were an hour from international waters when I finally felt the need to talk with Boss about him being along for this ride. While the girls were chatting about what they wanted to do first when we finally got checked into our motel, I strode back to his royal pain in my ass and leaned down to speak quietly.

"Is there somewhere we can speak privately?" He closed a computer I hadn't seen before when we boarded and set it aside, standing and motioned for me to follow him past a door just behind where he and his guard Charlie were sitting. Once through he closed it behind me, my surprise directed at a decent sized bed laid out before me. Fancy.

"What did you wish to discuss Saraphine?" Boss asked, using my 'company' name and sat on the edge of the bed. He patted the space next to him and in a show of politeness I sat very lady like and crossed my legs.

"Is the business you are discussing in Brazil with the local mafia? If so I need to make sure that I am on guard for my friends. They aren't a part of our world and I don't want them involved." I kept my eyes down and settled for looking at his hands. Respectful and indirect.

"It is. Your vacation just happens to be perfect with the timing to expand our enterprise. The deal you landed us was enough to convince the Brazilian mafia to become trading partners. They send us some stock, we send them some stock. The way of business." I resisted the urge to sigh. Of course my vacation wasn't so much a time off as on the job work.

"Do I have a part in these discussions? I have a feeling that you didn't send me to Brazil just to have a week and a half with girlfriends." His face turned annoyed and I could see him go to reach for a cigarette but then remember that we were on a plane where it wasn't safe to. He set his hand back down on his lap in a fist.

"They had heard of you and wanted a live performance in lieu of the arrangements. No performance, no deal. So I agreed. As long as I gave you some space to relax with friends, I found that sending you all over the place seemed easier when you were eager to go." Sneaky jerk. I mean who wouldn't want an all expenses paid vacation to Brazil for three. Margaritas, hot guys, and a view of the ocean that could make any girl sigh with happiness.

"Of course. Are there any specific songs you wish for me to preform?" I tried not to sound annoyed but it seeped out through my words.

In a flash of white, I was pushed down to the bed. My hands were pinned above my head and my legs were incapacitated by Boss's. His face hovered just above my own and out of instinctual fear I looked into his eyes hoping to read them to find a way out. Boss's blue eyes bore into my own and in them I saw his irritation and anger, boiling up to the surface.

"If I didn't have another choice in this matter I wouldn't send you. You are my song bird. You perform for my purposes, not anyone else's. You are mine." At his words, a warm sensation stirred within my body.

He must have seen something within my eyes because he backed up and let me go, walking out the door and closing behind himself leaving me alone with my thoughts.

(Five Minutes Later)

As I walked out I double checked to make sure I was situated and sat back down, my girls pulling me into their conversation about hot Brazilian guys on the beaches. Boss, who had taken his seat, was the picture of indifference and had set back to working on his computer. Whatever moment we had shared in the room was gone and forgotten in his mind but that fluttering of emotion was still swirling around in me. I didn't think to pack toys since Boss had his rule about me sleeping with people but I tried to make sure I could follow those rules to a 'T'. I had a strict idea of not sleeping with people though it did occasionally come up from time to time to relieve the aching between my legs.

"If we find one who wants to do things, lets make the agreement to find a motel that has like three rooms so that we don't interrupt each other if we do bring guys back to the motel." I already knew that the room we had booked for the motel had separate bedrooms so that if I needed to sneak out for whatever reason that I could.

"Already got it covered," I said and asked the stewardess for a vodka gimlet. On the rocks of course.

"You are two steps ahead of us girl. You are so prepared for this." I gave them a smile but I couldn't feel it. I was going on this trip to preform for Brazilian mobsters. That wasn't my idea of prepared.

---At the Airport---

"Finally!" Lexi shouted after she stepped into the terminal. Kaitlyn and I chucked and set out to go through customs before heading to our baggage claim. Boss followed along and seemed like a protective business boyfriend as everyone stayed clear of him and Charlie who kept his eyes everywhere and nowhere, watching for threats to Boss.

"So I say we head to the motel first to get our luggage put into the room and then out to the town we go." Kaitlyn had a perfect plan. I glanced back to Boss to see if he was okay with the idea. The look in his eye said to keep my phone on me but that I would be fine to go.

"Sure. The motel is about fifteen minutes from the airport so we should be fine to get started in about an hour." It had only taken a few minutes before we were on our way in a cab, the girls chatting about what they wanted to do first and since I knew only the most basic Spanish, Lexi, who somehow knows a lot of it, would be translating for us the whole trip unless the person spoke English. I hoped most did.

We had just arrived to our motel and were checking in when my phone received a text.

Be ready by 8pm. Wear black dress.


I didn't reply back as I knew he didn't favor responses so much as actions. The clerk spoke english which made it easy to get our room keys. Seeing as how I booked us a five star motel, a cart boy pushed the luggage cart behind us to the room, the girls bursting in and gaping at the space. Two doors were off to the left and two to the right, one of the ones on the left being the bathroom. The other three doors I assumed were our rooms.

The kitchenette was over in the corner overlooking the living area that had a couch that rivaled my own at home. It felt like home almost if not for the set up and color scheme of tans and oranges.

The time difference from where we had been was only a few hours ahead so that meant it was about three or four in the afternoon. I had only a few hours to be ready for Boss and what I assumed was our meeting with the Brazilian mafia head.

"You know what? Why don't you guys go out first. I feel a bit jet lagged and might rest a bit." Kaitlyn and Lexi pouted but didn't argue the issue. Instead they gave me a tight hug and went to their rooms to change.

"Call us if you need anything," Lexi said as she and Kaitlyn left, the dresses on them very beautiful and befitting our current location.

My room was decorated in gentle yellows and oranges, the view from my window overlooking the city. Having time to spare, I strode out the living area and to the window balcony that had the most perfect view of the beach. Resting my arms against the banister, I breathed in the air and sighed.

"Why do I have the feeling that this isn't going to go well?"

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