I'll Support You: Aomine Daiki

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You sat down at your new seat and Aomine sat down in his desk next to you. The seats had just changed and you were seated right next to your crush. Class went on and Aomine fell asleep on his textbook.

Class soon ended and you headed out for lunch. You were always a very quiet girl. Always standing in the back, never the center of attention. You liked being by yourself sometimes, but your best friend, Satsuki would always disturb your peace. You pulled out your (Fav. Color) headphones and put them on. Music played into your ears as you silently walked towards the roof.

Opening the door, you sat down on the roof and opened up your bento. Soon, your (Fav. Song) came on and you started singing along. Singing and playing the guitar were your secret hobby. Only your family and Satsuki knew about it and a few times they had tried to convince you to perform to someone. Of course, your massive stage fright was a problem.

When you finished singing your song, you heard a deep voice say," You're good at singing." Looking at the door, the dark blue haired guy was standing there. Aomine Daiki, your crush, had heard you sing. A blush instantly rushed to your face.

You fled from the roof, leaving your bento behind you. "Oi! Where you going?" Aomine called as you ran. You fled into the bathroom and washed your face to clear your mind. After cooling off, you headed to Satsuki's classroom for help.

"(First Name)!" She called, crushing you with a hug. You hugged back and whispered," I need your help." She nodded and led you to the basketball courts. When you arrived, Satsuki turned around and asked," What is it, (First Name)?" "Aomine heard me singing!" You replied with a slight blush on your face. Satsuki smiled and said," Just confess to him, (First Name)! He likes you back!" You shook your head no because you hated being embarrassed. Satsuki smile faded and she said," If you never confess, someone will steal him away. He is the ace of the basketball team."

You blushed and mumbled," Maybe..." After other small talk, you headed back to the classroom. You sat down in your seat and Aomime walked in soon after with your bento. "Oi, (Last Name)! Why did you leave after you finished singing?" questioned Aomine. You blushed because he had yelled it out loud to the class.

"Eh, (Last Name) sings?" said a classmate. "She rarely even talks." Everyone attention was on you. Satsuki suddenly poked her head out from behind the door and said," She should preform at the School Festival! She is really good!" A massive blush appeared on your face and Satsuki fled before you could attack her.

Soon, a huge conversation circulated the classroom. The festival was in a few weeks and one person from each class was performing. Your class currently did not have any performer. (AN: Eh, I'm not sure if festival have performances but I'm going to twist it a little bit. XD) After the discussion, it was decided that you would sing for the class.

~~~~Time Skip to Few Weeks Later~~~~

You were dreading performing. Currently, you were hiding from everyone to avoid performing. Outside of the classroom, you could hear the running of your classmates trying to find you. You were sitting in the corner of an empty classroom.

All of the sudden, the door opened and Aomine stepped in. "(Last Name)!" He called, running towards you,"Why are you hiding?" You turned away and said,"I'm not performing." Aomine sighed and asked,"Why, (Last Name)?" You looked down with a deep blush and said,"I have stage fright."

There was a silence for a while until you felt Aomine messing up your hair. You looked up to meet Aomine's eyes. Aomine averted his glance and said with a slight blush," It will be okay. I will support you because I..."


The lights turned on and a worried Satsuki came walking in. "(First Name)! Where have you been?! Your performance is soon!" yelled Satsuki. She grabbed your arm and started pulling you to the stage area. You looked back to see Aomine yell," Have a great performances and then I'll tell you!" You blushed and ran after Satsuki to the performance.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

You walked off the stage and saw Aomine waiting there for you. You walked over and noticed that he was blushing, slightly. "Aomine? What did you want to say?" you asked. Aomine looked into your (Eye Color) eyes and said," I like you, (Last Name)."

Um I sorry if Aomine was OOC... I always thought he was a prideful/lazy/pervy, but would have a soft spot for the girl he likes. It's really hard to do that though XD. Anyways, Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this one shot.

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