Flowers: Akashi Seijuro

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A young girl with (H/C) locks and a boy with a red hair color, who was the same age, sat next to each other, smiling happily. They were currently at a flower field where flowers of all colors covered the area. The girl loved flowers and the boy invited her here. "Let's get married when we get older!" Exclaimed the little girl with a wide smile on her face while holding a orange blossom. The boy smiled at the girl and said," I promise we will get married." The girl smiled and kissed the boy on the cheek.

"(First/Name!)" called her mother. The girl ran off to her mother after waving good bye and they headed home in their car. The little girl smiled at the promise that she had made and would never forgot.

Of course, the world isn't always sunshine and happiness.

On their way home, a car had crashed into the family's car. The crash had killed the mother and father, but left the daughter injured. The girl had woke up with no memory of anything.

~~~~Time Skip; Ten Year Later~~~~

You carried the boxes into your new room. You had moved to Japan due to the adoptive parents' job. You didn't mind off course because you were happy that you did not have to live at the adoption center instead. You knew quite clearly that your real parents had died in Japan and you were planning on visiting their grave later on. You did not remember them though and any of your childhood. It had all disappeared within the fog of your brain.

You were going to attend Rakuzan High. They had sent you a uniform and it looked nice. Tomorrow was your first day at the new school. You were curious on what the school was like. You missed your best friends at the old school, but hoped you could make many more. But, you wouldn't know until you found out yourself.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

You stood in front of the door of your new classroom. You waited until your new teacher called you in and walked in. "Please introduce yourself, (Last/Name)." said the teacher. You nodded and said,"My name is (Last/Name) (First/Name). Please take care of me." You bowed and your teacher assigned you to a seat next to the window. As you looked outside, you did not notice the red and golden eyes watching you from the distance.

Soon, lunch break came and you pulled out a bento you had made. Eating your tasty lunch, the red head decided to approach you. "(Last/Name)." said the red head," Do you remember me?" You looked at the boy who you could not identify. "Who are you?" You asked. The expressionless boy's face dropped for a second before regain himself and said with a firm expression,"My name is Akashi Seijuro. You will remember me." Akashi walked off leaving you in a confused state. You shrugged and continued eating your lunch.

But, on Tuesday, there was a bouquet of roses on your desk.
On Wednesday, there was a bouquet of stocks.
On Thursday, there was a bouquet of tulips.
On Friday, there was a bouquet of gladiolus.

On next Monday, you were called into the student president office. You entered, confused on if you had gotten in trouble or not. But, Akashi was sitting there holding a bouquet of orange blossoms. "(Last Name) Do you remember our promise?" asked Akashi. You looked at the orange blossom and back at Akashi. He was watching carefully. You closed your eyes and tried to search in the deepest part of your mind. Your head hurt a little from this, but you continued to try find Akashi in your memory.

All of the sudden, a image of a red headed little boy that was holding a orange blossoms for you flashed into your mind. Slowly, memories of your past flooded back into your brain. Your memory of your parents, the crash, and you childhood came back to you. You opened you eyes to be met with red and golden eyes.

"Sei-kun?" You asked as tears slipped down your face. You crashed into Akashi with a hug and he smiled softly. "Welcome back, (First/Name)." He said hugging you back.

~~~~Requested by sania_putri~~~~

Hello all! Sorry if Akashi was OOC. Here are the meaning of each flower.
Rose means love.
Stocks means lasting beauty and a happy life.
Tulips is a declaration of love or perfect love.
Gladiolus means remembrance.
Orange blossom mean innocence and external love.
Anyways, thank you for reading and thanks for the request! I love to see comments on my work and I'll try to respond to them! Hope you enjoyed!

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