Sealing Kiss: Akashi Seijuro (Sequel to Flowers)

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Ten year have pasted since you have remember your lost love. You were living a peaceful life with the love of your life and you had gotten married with him a few years ago. Now, You owned a flower shop and grew your own flowers. Akashi was the the president of his own prosperous business. Life was going well and everything was perfect... Until one day...

"Akashi?" You called while sitting in the living room reading. Akashi had arrived back home later than you expected. Usually Akashi always made it home for dinner and only skipped if there was a client or important business people were meeting him. But, he always called if he came home late. No phone call came this evening.

Walking out to the him, you saw Akashi handing his coat and briefcase to the maid before walking over to you. "Sorry for being late, (F/N)." Said Akashi as he walked to the office with you following close behind. Akashi opened the office door and headed in."Who were you meeting?" You asked as you followed him. "Someone important." He replied.

He sat down in his chair in front of his desk and opened up his computer. Immediately, he started typing away on his computer. Not wanting to disturb him, you walked out of the room and headed to your bedroom. You settled into Akashi's and your king size bed. Soon, you dozed off into a deep sleep without the familiar strong arms wrapped around your body.

Tommorow was a weekend. Free of work, you watched a movie. Akashi was busy at work as you enjoyed your weekend.

The door clicked open to be faced with a tired looking Akashi. Akashi looked over to you before motioning you to follow him. You headed over, leaving your movie. He sat down in his chair and you stood in front of him. "(F/N), let's get a divorce." he said, not meeting your eyes.. You froze. You stared at Akashi with a face of shook before tears slipped down your face. You were devastated. Your heart crumbled into millions of pieces with a few words.

Akashi turned away from you and said," The papers are on my desk. Everything is set." You looked at his desk and reached for the thin stack of papers. Your eyes were blurred with tears and you ran to your bedroom with the papers clutched in your hands.

~~~~Time Skip: One Year~~~~

A year had pasted since you and Akashi parted ways. You disappeared from Akashi, never wanting to hear of him. You moved back to your hometown, far away from Akashi. You bought back your parents old flower shop and moved into your old home before the accident.

But, ine day, an unexpected visitor came to see you. Akashi walked into your shop asking to buy a bouquet of Hyacinth, the apology flowers. You grabbed the flowers without looking Akashi in the eye. You handed them to him without any emotion in your face. "(F/N). Look at me." commanded Akashi when he received the flower. "I have no business with you." You replied, turning away and heading into the backroom.

Before you could escape, Akashi pulled you by the hand and into his chest. You tried to resit him, but he out powered you. Sighing, you asked," What do you want Akashi?" "I came here to take you back." replied Akashi as he turned you to face him. You refused to meet his eyes, afraid they would pull you in once again.

"I refuse." you replied, struggling in his grasp. Akashi held you tighter and said," Let me explain, (f/n)!" You finally gave up and led Akashi into the back so you could speak. "What is it?" You asked. Akashi looked directly at you and replied," I am really sorry (f/n). I divorced you to protect you from my father. My father had planed to destroy your shop and slowly drive you away from me. I believed it was the right choice at the time but, I can't live without you."

You looked up to be met with red eyes with desperation and longing for you. "Please (f/n). Can you forgive me?" Said Akashi as he reached out to touch your cheek. You stared into Akashi's eyes as old memories of Akashi you had locked away came crashing down on you.

Tears slid down your face as you threw your arms around Akashi. Akashi wrapped his hands around you and pulled you into a tight embrace. "Thank you, (F/N)." he said with the kindest smiles on his face. He leaned in for a kiss, sealing your relationship once again.

~~~Requested by Annemendoza123~~~

Hello! Thank you for requesting! I'm sorry if the plot a bit jumpy and if Akashi is OC. I'm sorry for late updates. My worst personality is my massive laziness so... Anyways, hope you enjoyed! And Thanks for reading!


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