Valentine Special: GOM

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"(First/Name)." called Akashi. You looked up at your boyfriend. You were currently eating lunch with your friend and Akashi was at basketball practice. "Yes Seijuro?" You asked. "Clear your schedule tomorrow. We are going on a date." Akashi said. You smiled and said," Of course." Tomorrow was Valentine Day and you were excited to spend time with your boyfriend.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
"(First/Name)! Your boyfriend is here." Called your mom. "Give me a sec!" You called back, grabbing your bag. You rushed down the stairs and to the door. Akashi was waiting at the door and he was currently talking to your mom. Akashi noticed you and said," Let's go, (First/Name)." You smiled and held his hand as you walked out.
Akashi had the whole day planned out. First, you headed to an park where you and Akashi had a picnic for lunch. Akashi also bought you an ice cream of your (fav/flavor) and you shared each other's. Akashi even got a row boat for you two to go around the pond that had little ducks in it.
For dinner, Akashi led you to a fancy restaurant. You were currently walking home with your fingers intertwined and Akashi asked," Did you enjoy yourself?" You smiled and replied," It was great spending time with you." Akashi smiled back and he said," I love you, (First/Name). I command you to stay with me forever." You replied," Of course, I love you too." You smiled and Akashi leaned in to steal your lips.

You were currently watching the TV on the couch with Aomine sleeping soundly on your lap. You ran your hand through his soft dark blue hair and smiled to yourself. Aomine looked so innocent when he was asleep. You smiled at his cute expression.
"Daiki, wake up. Today, you promised a date." you said, still playing with his hair. Aomine rolled over to look at your face. His dark blue eyes met your (eye/color) eyes. "Happy Valentines, Daiki." You said, giving Aomine a peck on the nose. Aomine looked at you with a face of disappointment and mumbled, "You missed my lips." Then, he turned back to face your stomach and wrapped his hands around your hips.
"I'm sleepy." he mumbled, nuzzling his face on your stomach. His soft hair tickled you. "Eh, That tickles Daiki!" You squealed, laughing slightly. Then, Aomine started tickling you and you laughed while struggling out of his grasp. "Stop Daiki!" You cried while laughing. Aomine smirked and pulled you into his embrace.
You were pulled in between his legs and you looked up at Aomine. He leaned in for a kiss and you gladly accepted. "I love you, (First/Name)." He said. "I love you, too." you replied with a smile.

" Kise! Please take my chocolate!" "Kise! Be my valentine!" "Kise! Marry me!" "Kise! I love you!" Cried the fan girls. You been hearing the yells and cries of the fangirls chasing after your boyfriend. Of course, you were bit angry since today, you and Kise were suppose to go on a date, but he had to cancel because of model work.
"(First/Name)-cchi! Please don't ignore me!" Cried Kise as you walked to the classroom. He was currently following you around like a kicked puppy and you had to resist the urge to forgive him. You also could see him with a large bag full of chocolates.
You sat down at your seat and took out your phone. You opened Wattpad up and started reading (Fav/Author's) fan fictions. " (First/Name)-cchi! I'm sorry!" cried Kise as he tried to catch you attention. But, you were too into the fan fiction and was ignoring him quite well.
All the sudden, you saw a drip of water fall on your screen. Your eyes widened in surprise and you looked up to see Kise crying and mumbling stuff like," (First/Name)-cchi doesn't love me anymore. (First/Name)-cchi hates me." You instantly put down your phone and stood up. You panicked, not knowing what to do.
You placed your hand on his cheek and moved his chin to face you. "Ryota, I love you. I would never hate you." You said, trying to comfort Kise. Kise stopped crying and yelled," I love you too, (First/Name)-cchi!" as he pulled you into a hug. You smiled and hugged him back.

Tomorrow was Valentines day. You were humming to yourself as you made chocolates for your tsun boyfriend. You made sure to make the cute heart shaped chocolates and a few you marked, I <3 U. You put the chocolate in a nice bag and you were finished.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
"Shintarou, Happy Valentine." You said, handing the chocolates to him. Midorima looks at the bag and hands it back, replying,"I don't like sweet stuff, (First/Name)." Takao, who was standing next to Midorima, cut in and said," Shin-chan, stop being a tsun and accept the chocolate." Midorima glared at Takao and said," I am not a tsun." You sighed at your Tsun boyfriend and handed the chocolates to Takao. "Takao, you can have them since my Tsun boyfriend won't take them." You said. Takao grinned and reached for the bag of chocolate.
Before he could grab it, Midorima swiftly took the bag from your grasp. You looked up at your boyfriend to see a blushing face. He looked away slightly while pushing up his glasses and said," I'll take them since no one wants them, not because I wanted them." Takao frowned and exclaimed," I wanted them, Shin-chan!" "Shut up, Takao." Replied Midorima. You tackled him with a hug and the blushing carrot exclaimed, "(First/Name), let go of me!" You smiled happily and whispered," I love you, Shintarou."

You smiled to yourself when you finished your chocolates. Today was valentine and you decided to make chocolates for Kuroko. They were perfect for your boyfriend. You packaged them in a light blue bag and left them on the counter for tomorrow.
~~~~Time Skip~~~
You were running late. You had forget to set your alarm before you went to sleep. You rushed into the subway, to be met by the rush time of it. You sighed and rushed in, hoping you wouldn't be late for school.
"Testu?" You called for your boyfriend. You looked around the classroom for Kuroko. "Yes, (First/Name)?" Said Kuroko popping up in front of you. You held out a small bag of chocolates to Kuroko, but to your dismay, they had been crushed inside your bag. Instantly, you pulled your hand back and hid the chocolates behind you. "Uh... I wanted to say Happy Valentines." You said quickly, trying to cover up the chocolates. "(First/Name), I saw the chocolates." said Kuroko. You sighed and handed the smushed chocolates. Kuroko smiled softly and took the chocolates. "Thank you, (First/Name)" he said. "But the chocolates are smushed." you pointed out. Kuroko replied," You tried hard on them, so I am thanking you."
You smiled at you sweet boyfriend and wrapped him into a tight hug. He hugged back and you hope this moment would never end.

"No!!" You screamed as your failure of a chocolate cake slumped to the side. You were a horrible cook who had a similar love for sweets like your boyfriend. You were attempting to make a chocolate cake for Murasakibara for Valentine's Day, but that plan obviously failed.
Murasakibara was also swinging by later so there was no way to avoid this disaster. You scrambled around the kitchen, trying to find some snacks or chocolate to cover up the chocolate cake. Of course, the only stock left was your secret stash since you had already dug all the other snacks out. Sighing, you took you secret stash and brought it out. The doorbell soon rang, announcing the arrival of Murasakibara. You opened the door to see Murasakibara nibbling on a bag of chips. You welcomed him and instantly he asked," (First/Name) What is that burning smell?" You gulped and said," Uh... it was my lunch. I kinda burned it." Murasakibara headed to the kitchen and you attempted to stop him, but due to his large figure he got through you pretty easy.
Murasakibara looked at the cake and turned back to you, asking," (First/Name), did you make a cake?" You nodded and Murasakibara grabbed a fork to try to eat it. "Eh! Atsushi, don't eat the cake!" You exclaimed. Murasakibara looked at you again and replied, pouting," But, (First/Name) made it for me." You blushed slightly by his childish pout and granted him the permission to eat it. You watched Murasakibara eat the cake and you wished that he would stay the same innocent Murasakibara forever.

Oh gosh that took longer than I excepted. Anyways, I am finally done on exactly Valentines Day! Thanks for reading and please leave comment on recommendations of request! I am taking request and I don't mind doing any of the characters. Hope you enjoyed!

Kuroko No Basket Oneshots ~KNBxReader [Closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora