"I am a bit confused as how to take a step towards breaking this marriage chim... Although I was ignoring Jin like hell, he seemed to determine to talk to me.. his behaviour is soft and tender.... He seemed to have committed to our relationship that he supported me to attend the course, when my father snapped me and tried to push me to go for honeymoon...he is supportive...
He even prepared breakfast for me today by learning about my favourite dish from Yejin.. he is sincerely trying to make it up to me... His sweetness and commitment to our relationship may trouble me from manifesting my plans to get rid of him and marry you.." Jimin eyes grew bigger with his lovers words .

"Oh really?! You can't get rid of him then? How can you shamelessly admit to me that Jin is sincere and sweet to you Kookie? OMG ...You feel that he is committed to the relationship!! You seem to fall for his charms then?! That's why you think that you may have to have sex with him....So I am just a joke to you now. . isn't it?" Jimin teared up...

He is already in pain that Jungkook married to Jin on his father's force..he is in pain that Jungkook couldn't tell his father that they are in love... it's the fault of Jungkook.. he is a coward... he is terrified that his father may not spare a penny to him from the property if he doesn't marry to jin... that made him look for the options to marry Jin and break the marriage later instead of going in straight route and tell his father about his love with Jimin..... then Namjoon, his sibling gave Jungkook the idea of marriage contract..... even then it was not easy for jimin to digest the thought of jungkook's marriage with jin. Somehow, the elder clarified his doubts and convinced the younger as how Jungkook can break the marriage vows with Jin in an year or less than that...

"Chim.. Please... Please don't be so jelli... I am not advocating or showing interest in Jin... I am just telling you as what is happening and what's my take on it...now please stop Sulking and let me think as what to do after the next 15days since I have to go home pretending that I completed my course..." Jimin didn't speak anything... Jungkook knows how to convince him well ...

He suddenly pecked Jimin without Jimin has any hint of his action...
Sulky Jimin didn't respond much... He believes that his anger has meaning and Jungkook is answerable to create this situation... Jungkook never tried to be responsible and now playing escape drama, preventing the discussion....Jungkook is able to understand Jimin's mind... he doesn't want Jimin to think more about his behaviour and become fussy... he has only one way to stop Jimin's Sulking and agony...... having sex with him...

Slowly Jungkook embraced jimin...
Jimin tried to wriggle and get rid of the muscle bunny's hands but the embrace tightened more ..
Jinkook now kissed him smoothly on his sweet spot on his neck. That stopped jimin from the trail to loosen up Jungkook's hug..

"Bastard.. he knows.." he murmured in an ecstasy came over him with that kiss and suck....it is Jimin's weak spot... now Jimin couldn't resist anymore.. he kissed back Jungkook with a sudden passion.. he moaned sweetly when Jungkook bit lightly his lower lip...eventually their kiss became hot and wet... The passionate and long kiss heated their bodies that it made their bottoms have a desperation for touch and pleasure... Now Jimin lied on top of Jungkook while caressing his hard member. He looked at Jungkook lustfully and smiled sexily without breaking the eye contact....that made Jungkook again crash his lips into Jimin's and suck them untill they are swollen... Jimin moaned again with both pain and pleasure...

Without breaking the kiss, Jimin unbuttoned Jungkook's shirt and touched his torso passionately... he rubbed Jungkook's member and kissed on his neck....meanwhile Jungkook unbuttoned Jimin's shirt and pinched his buds making him moan hard...he placed butterfly kisses on Jimin's soft and pale neck and sucked on his sweet spot to listen to the beautiful sound he produces which is music for his ears....

He flipped Jimin in no time and moved down to his bottom while not leaving any of his body part without a high key and kiss... He unzipped the pants of both jimin and his and removed both their boxers...

(sorry I am not good at producing smut... this is the first time I am trying to write something like this...so hope you all understand.. I promise to write it in further episodes with more efforts since they anyway demand- Author)

Time skip...

They both were panting heavily after their making love in multiple rounds...
They smiled at each other after that...
" Let's have something ..I am hungry.." Jungkook announced..
"I will clean up and join you.. you first shower and get ready.." Jimin said and started cleaning things...

Time Skippu....

They had nice meal in one of the restaurants contently...then Jimin came up with next idea to spend time out....

"Shall we go for shopping Kookie? I need to do a little shopping?" He asked clinging onto Jungkook's hands..but Jungkook seem to be out of mood for that...

"Not now chim..I feel tired.. let's make it on some other day...let's make it to home now... "He declared with a stoic face which is unusual to Jimin!

Jimin looked at him thoughtfully.. Jungkook is a shopping freak ... He buys all branded things when he steps out of home... especially when he is with Jimin he spends both time and money on buying his favourite things and food...
Today he ordered simple food and finished his supper very quickly as if someone is chasing him!
And now, the shopping part also is very dull which in reality should be very exciting to both of them!! He seems to be out of mood for his most favourite thing!
'What is wrong with him?' Jimin thought..but he didn't want to force him... They already had conversations on the matter that was bothering both... Jimin, being sensible, just agreed to go home now...
They returned to Jimin's flat in no time...

Jungkook is trying to forget...
But he has no idea as why he is not able to forget those almond shaped innocent eyes of Jin! They looked pure and pious.. they are not yet polluted with malice..

Why is he thinking about Jin so much!!
He closed his eyes tightly and turned his back to Jimin who lied next to him... He thought that Jimin slept off .. but he has no clue that Jimin is in deep thoughts too like him...

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