Chapter Twelve

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Fluttering her eyes open, waking up to see Alex being the little spoon, Roxie groggily moved her arms and backed away. "Alex, get up" she said as she sat up. Alex groaned and pulled the covers closer to her.

Realizing what's actually happening, Roxie took off the sheets to see that only her shirt was off. Sleeping in a bra and jeans weren't comfy.

"Alex, wake up" she shook her.

Alex finally woke up, sitting up. Roxie noticed that she was also in bra and pants. It took Alex a second to realize it. "Did we...?" She gestured to herself and Roxie. She shook her head no and got out of bed, Alex followed suit.

She handed Roxie one of her sweatshirts and smiled, Roxie accepted it and slid it over her head. The room was silent, only to be filled with smiles. Roxie slowly grabbed her hand.

"Whatever happened in here... it stays between us, Roxie" Alex said softly.

"I agree" Roxie kissed her cheek.

Alex got ahold of Roxie's chin, pulling her in for a slow kiss. After a few seconds, they both lean back, smiling. "Lets go, I'm sure everyone is already awake" Alex chuckled, opening the door – having a shirt on – and walking out to the living room. Roxie followed behind her.

"Uncle Gabe? What are you doing here?"

"Morning kiddo, Sam sent me. He isn't very happy with you. Neither am I."

Roxie wasn't surprised, knowing she'll face it sooner than later. "I'm guessing Sam told you why I was grounded?" Alex looked at her, not knowing she was in trouble.

"Yes. Sam sent me because after your little activity, Jack went to fight him, but got caught in holy fire. He's safe at home now."

"Jack's got hurt because of me... I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!"

Everyone continued eating brekfast, realizing that these conversations are 'normal' to them now. Not bothered to ask questions. "Who are you talking about, Roxie?" Alex grabbed hold of her arm.

Roxie looked down and sighed, then looking up to Alex. Gazing into her eyes. "Kylo... he's the Cambion" everyone suddenly froze and looked to Roxie. "What does your uncle mean by 'activity'?" Alex asked, taking a step closer.

"I was sexually intimate with him but I told him that it was a huge mistake" Roxie whispered.

"Roxie... hey, its okay, don't cry" Alex whispered back as she wiped a tear off her cheek.

She faced Alex, hugging her, setting her head on top her shoulder. Unrelated to the topic that's happening – Claire nudged Kaia and pointed to Alex and Roxie, snickering.

"Ready when you are, kiddo. But- you have to wear the cuffs" Gabriel pulled out angel cuffs.

Roxie turned her head to her uncle, sending a death glare towards him. Gabriel tilted his head, making a pouty face, swinging around the cuffs.

After a few seconds, Roxie lifted her head and stared into Alex's eyes. "I gotta go" Roxie softy said, hanging her head down. Alex understood and backed up, not wanting to her go.

Roxie faced her uncle, but disappeared instead of putting the cuffs on. Quickly warding off everyone from her location. She appeared in the Cambion's bedroom, seeing him already awake and scrolling on his phone.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you"

"Shut the hell up, Kylo. I know what happened with Jack."

"Ugh, he was wanting to fight and-"

"I said shut up" her eyes changed to her dark green color, holding Kylo in a chokehold.

Kylo struggled and struggled but that got to nowhere. It wasn't hurting him extremely but enough to not get out of her grip. "Don't you ever come speaking to us Winchesters and your demons." Kylo nodded the best he could.

"Be glad I showed mercy to let you live" Roxie stopped the chokehold, her eye color returning back to normal.

She disappeared a second after, showing up in the bunker. Sam, Gabe, and Jack turned around to see Roxie. "Kylo won't be talking to us anytime soon" she said before getting placed in the cuffs.

"What the hell, Roxie?!" Sam shouted.

"Oh, yell at me all you want. You're still going to be better than my parents." She snapped.

"No. No, its fine" Sam calmed himself.

Gabriel and Jack shared a look when Roxie said the second part. Sam facepalmed and paced around the room. "Go ahead, tell my parents about me sneaking out. They'll just ground me more." Roxie didn't care at this point.

Gabriel and Jack looked to Sam, seeing how he is the one in charge. "Sam, why don't you give the kid a break? Let her be-" Gabe cut himself off when he saw Sam's death stare towards him. "I can't, she's not my kid. But, I won't tell your dads" he turned to Roxie.

"You and Jack run along now, Gabriel and I have some personal stuff to talk about"

"Whatever, I'll be in my room" she slightly shoved Jack, walking to her room.

The best she could in cuffs, she checked her phone to find a few messages from Alex. She was worried about Roxie. She wouldn't know what would happen to her. Roxie responded back to her, letting her know that she's okay.

Once getting to her room, Roxie laid acrossed her bed and continued texting Alex. Recurring last night, Roxie wanted to go to more parties and have fun with her friends. Though the slight headache sucks.

Hours has past, Roxie still in her room. As she was finishing up a text, her archangel uncle entered the room. "Hey kiddo, can I talk to you for a second?" Gabriel said plainly. Roxie looked up from her phone, nodding. "Yeah, is everything okay?"

"Um... no, actually."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

"You're not going to like it..."

"Gabriel... what happened?" Roxie stood from her bed.

"Lucifer got out of the cage – we have no clue how – and he currently has your father in holy fire. Your other dad, on the other hand, is getting tortured by him."

{Words: 1012}

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