05. blood in the water.

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I HAD no idea what time it was or whose bed I was lying in. It wasn't until I sat up and checked my surroundings that I found I was still in the cave. But the boys were nowhere to be seen. The golden light coming down the steps indicated it was still bright outside, so the boys were most likely asleep.

I was in the bed that I assumed no one had used in a long time, there was a sheer curtain draped over the towering wooden poles attached to the bed.

I got up lazily, trying to remember what happened last night. I walked over to the fountain where I saw my other shoe, alongside it was numerous empty bottles and smoked joints. That's probably why I couldn't remember a lot from last night.

"Thanks, Paul." I mumbled to myself. 

I slipped on my other shoe and made my way outside the cave. The sun was just starting to set, a mixture of luminous lemon and crimson blended together, creating various hues of tangerine to take over the night sky.

The walk back to Max's didn't take long, that's another good thing about being a vampire. When I got there, it was still light so Max wasn't awake yet. I predicted he would be in half an hour or so. I greeted Thorn and decided to take a quick shower and all the other usual things girls do. 

Once all that was done, I changed into a pair of denim shorts with a metal chain that was also attached to the yellow, cropped tank top I was wearing that had 'Rebel Rebel' printed on it. Even though it was the evening, it was way too hot to wear anything else. I paired them with my black converse, like usual. When I went back downstairs, Max was awake and stroking Thorn which made me wonder how long I had spent in the shower.

"Hey." I greeted gleefully.

"Hey." he smiled. "What happened to you last night and earlier? Maria left a voicemail wondering where you were because you didn't show up for work, and I noticed you didn't come back here last night."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I should have said something. I ended up hanging out with people last night and I woke up about an hour ago. I'm sorry." I apologized again. I decided to leave out the part where I was actually hanging out with the boys. I'm not sure how he'll react to that just yet.

"No, it's fine." he brushed off. "Just next time let me know if you want a day off work or whatever."

"Yeah, I will." I nodded vigorously.

"Shall we head down to the boardwalk?" He asked.

"Sure, if you want to." I replied. He nodded and grabbed his coat along with Thorn and his leash.

And then we drove off to the boardwalk, like every other night since I've been in Santa Carla. We went our separate ways once we got there and I was off in a random direction, like usual. I saw a hot dog stand coming into view and I decided to treat myself, they were a favorite snack of mine. Lucky for me there was no queue so I ordered straight away and waited for it. 

While waiting, I noticed a group of surfer nazi's staring at me. I'm not sure if it was because of the slightly revealing outfit I was wearing or if they had a problem with me. Either way, I decided to pay no mind to it and I continued waiting for my hot dog. 

"Thank you." I smiled at the cashier and walked away. I decided to eat it while leaning on the railing that let me look out at the sea. Just as I finished eating, someone stood next to me. I looked to see it was one of the guys that were with the surfer nazi's.

"You got a light?" he questioned with an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.

"No, sorry." I told him and began to walk away. I didn't even make it a single step away because he put his hand on mine and tightened his grip so my hand couldn't move from the railing. I was mentally trying to calm myself down (since I couldn't necessarily kill him in front of everyone) while trying to get my hand free. 

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