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Ok, since I only got 1 answer, and I can't decide if I should go with it or not, I'll do it the easiest way I could find;

Some Chapters will have songs, a link to them provided if possible and the name of the song in case the link doesn't work, and some will be normal chapters without songs. It will depend on what inspired me, my surroundings or a song/multiple songs. Also about the songs, most will be from FNAF, but I will probably also use non FNAF songs, here also depending on what inspired me, if the lyrics fit the situation I wanna present or not.

Also I would have written this sooner but my family is moving and the house, which we're moving in, is finally so far that we can move in, now if you moved in the past, you will know that takes MONTHS, and with now homeschooling for me, I won't be able to write as much as I would like. Another problem will be that, most of the house still isn't finished, the main rooms for my brothers, parents and me are finished, but the kitchen, bathrooms, the whole attic, and part of the basement still need a lot of work, which I probably won't be able to escape as I did the last few months. 

My point is, I won't be able to write for at least 1 month, maybe even 2 with all the closets and beds. I will try, but it won't be much. 

Stay safe

LunaticWolf2407 🐺

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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