Chapter 6

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Skylar's POV
Stephan has called multiple times throughout the weeks but I was too busy picking up. Bastian was a word in my dictionary and the only word I had known. I breathed in and out. I looked straight ahead. I went to my parents for 1 day only to leave the other day. A source told me Bastian was on the move. So I followed the lead, which led me straight to nowhere. Literally, there was nothing. No houses, no people only me and a few trees. I will get Mason for this. He said this source was very trustworthy. I kicked a stone angrily. Dammit, what do I know? I was gone for 2 weeks since I rescued Stephan and Nate. I dreamed about him sometimes. Seeing his eyes in front of me staring at me from up close or from a distance. I thought about him a lot in the last couple of days. About me hugging him. It felt good.

I picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number. 'Stephan, long time no see.'

 'Where have you been. I was worried sick. Where are you! Are you okay why have a phone when you did not care to pick it up anyway?' He said angrily. God, I was always on the road what made it different this time. I stayed calm and answered him in return.

'Sorry, I had a new lead on Bastian and had to check it out only to be fooled again' I said in a sad voice. He calmed down.

'Revenge is not the answer. I have lost people too Sky, I will not forget but sometimes it is better to forgive and move on.' I sighed. He was right my obsession is not good for me. But to be honest, stopping was more difficult than going on.

'I will come home Stef. Sorry to make you worry about me. I love you waffles'
'Stop calling me that!' I laughed at him making me feel good again in weeks time.

'Hey, you know somethings never change.' I laughed as I said that.

'Just come back, Becky is missing you too.' I could hear his voice break. I was like his little sister he never had. 'Oke, I will.' And that's when we hung up. I walked towards my car, only to curse every word in the bible. Stupid old car. The engine did not start. Dammit! This is going to be a long walk. I sighed and took my stuff out of the car and walked towards the closest motel. I walked to a little motel I knew. I have slept there before. I was close by. I walked and thought about Nate some more. He was handsome, muscle in the right places, tall and his facial features are no joke. OMG, I am fantasizing about a guy I barely know. I slapped my forehead.

Arriving at the motel I phoned the nearest repair shop. They could come by tomorrow. That will be a sleepless night. The next day I walked back to my car. The guy from the repair shop looked at my car saying it was not worth saving. So the bus it is. I got a little scrap metal cash from the car and went my way back. It was with the bus a 4-hour drive and then walking for 2 hours straight.

A few hours later
And now I am currently walking. The bus was very boring. Walking in the forest was something different. Why wasn't I born a werewolf? That would be amazing and much faster. I walked and walked and walked. Until I saw a little girl playing in the forest. Next to her a male werewolf, but it was not really playing? I looked again. ROGUE, I thought to myself. The wolf clawed at the little girl. The girl screamed at that.

'Get your filthy worthless hands of her.' I screamed.
'A human, mind your own business girl. I am busy.' He wanted to touch the little girl again but I took his wrist and pushed a knife through his heart.

'Why did you not listen to me.' The rogue's body was lifeless on the ground and then 3 others emerged from the trees. I turned around towards the little girl.

'what's your name sweaty?' I asked her.
'heeheeleen miss please don't hurt me, hunter. Please.' She was afraid of me.
I would be too if I was her.

'Hèlen I am not going to hurt you. I will protect you. Go and run toward your pack and get help okay. You will be okay just don't look back even if you hear anything.'
She nodded and began to run. I turned toward the rogues. 'Nice one hunter'

'I am not a hunter.' You know this was not my best day. I was really tired, angry and a little scared to be honest. Ever had that feeling when you woke up from your dream and thought it was real and you completely forget how you got there? Well, that's the feeling I have to know.

'What are you then a lost human child. Finding its way back home?' They laughed. I stayed calm and charged toward the guy in the front only to take him off guard and snap his neck quickly. The other two rogues shifted. I cannot take them if they are in their wolf form. They stalked towards me and clawed at me. It hurt. I pushed them off but two was never easy if you don't have the advantage. Another wolf tackled the wolf on top of me. And another one was fighting the other rogue. Damn, that was fast. I was bleeding I felt my t-shirt wetter by the minute. A wolf, shifting into his human form spoke to me. 

'Who are you and why are you on our lands hunter.' He looked into my eyes. Yeah, I am dead. I heard the snapping of necks and looked behind me. The rogues were dead on the ground.

'Look at me when I speak to you' He said again.

'I am no hunter and do no harm to your pack. I am a traveler walking through your land. Not knowing it was your land. I just want to go home.' I simply said. Well, he wasn't having it.

'You liar.' He slapped me across the face. Get her out of here into the dungeons. The alpha can deal with her later. When he gets back with the Beta.'

So he was not the Alpha of Beta? Two men walked up tome. 'Don't try to do anything, you filthy hunter' He barked at me. Disgust was written all over his face. He helped me up and both of them grabbed an arm very roughly.
We walked when I saw a house coming into view. That was a big house. Next to the house where more houses. It was a little village it seems. I walked now with my hand-tied on my back. They really didn't trust me.
The little girl Hèlen came running towards me. I stumbled and fell to the ground. She was stronger than you would think.

'Thank you for saving me.' She smiled at me. I smiled back at her.

'I am glad you are save Hèlen. Don't go into the forest alone next time okay?' She nodded and smiled at me. A woman that looked like Hèlen came towards me.

'Thank you for saving my child.' She walked off and I stood up.

The third in command werewolf looked at me. The other two werewolves also looked. I guess Hèlen told them there were rogues in the woods and they went for a look and found me too. They didn't know the full story. Nonetheless, they hurried me out of the yard into a smelly building with cells.

'This will be your new home' He smirked at me. 'Stupid werewolves. You do something good and get rewarded with a filthy mattress and a cell with rats running up and down.' I yelled behind them but they already were long gone.

You can imagine I didn't really sleep there. It was cold. My body was not used to this cold. I was shaking and hungry. That night was long too long. There was no light so I did not know if it was day or night.

A girl came in with some bread and water. 'Here' she said and walked away. The bread was old but I ate it anyway not wanting to let myself starve. A few moments later two guys came into my cell. Beating me, saying worthless hunter, filthy hunter, etc. I said time after time I was not a hunter but believing me was not on their mind. This went on for 3 days I think. The same cold, the same food, the same guys breathing me. I was sick of it. I was weak. The alpha and beta of the pack came back today. So I hoped it would be fast. I could not bear it any longer. I am strong but still a human they seemed to forget that. I slept all day when they weren't here or at least tried to.

I woke from a light sleep and heard voices. 'Where is the hunter you told me about.' A guy's voice said. I believe that is the alpha. The voice held authority.

'Why did you not kill the hunter yourself, Dan' another guy said. Wait I recognized that voice. I heard it before but were?

I saw shadows walking my way. I crouched to the corner and then I saw them; the brain eyes. It was from Nate!

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