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"Kill them," the king said. A wicked smile was on his face. "I want to see their heads roll."

They had found some spies in the palace. Min Yoongi seemed to be thrilled. There was something in his cold evil eyes that showed enjoyment in killing people. Jimin had almost forgotten what the citizens said about the cold hearted man or the whole Min family.

The tyrannical family.

"Kill them all."

The Mins were covered, covered in blood.

"I want to see their houses burn. I don't care about their children or wives. Kill them all!"

Jimin had only heard about it from other slaves. He didn't know if it was all real or fictional since there tended to be a lot of rumours, but seeing his master now made him realize that it was true.

Min Yoongi had no heart.

Even if he was 'kind'. He really wasn't.

Taking Jinyoung after he helped him wasn't because of thankfulness. It was because of the title Jinyoungs family once had. It was because of his close friendship with the Kim crown prince and his informations about the Kim Kingdom and their monarchs.

Taking someone with all this knowledge was giving him nothing but benefits.
Benefits he could use to corrupt the other kingdom if he needed or even wanted to.

He gave Jinyoung the title of a Park. He gave a man without a home or family a position. Not because he saved his life but so that the older would have a reason to stay. So that Jinyoubg thought he was now important and had a home. So that he thought Min Yoongi was not as bad as it seemed.

And Jinyoung?

Jinyoung belived it.

Jinyoung only saw a royal giving him a chance and he only had to pledge loyalty to Min Yoongi for it.

And the older did.

Jimin tilted his head to the side as he watched the execution. It was his first time seeing people die like this. Children, babies, mothers, wives and grandparents, no one was spared. All being killed even when most of them were innocent.

The throne hall was covered in red thick blood.

And the king?

The king sat on his throne smiling. His dark eyes watching the execution with amusement.

"Your majesty," Jimin said while bowing in respect.

Yoongis eyes fixated on the slave. "What is it?" He asked a bit annoyed. How dare his slave disturb him like his? The black haired boy stood up and walked to the king, not only stopping to look directly in his eyes.
Slowly he took something out of his pocket.

It was a tissue.

"Blood your highness," Jimin softly said before wiping his cheek with it. "You have some blood on your face."

The king couldn't understand him.

He just couldn't.

The slave was a mystery.

He had no fear in his dark eyes. It was like looking into nothing. While the boyes voice sometimes showed feelings his eyes never.

Maybe the king was a monster.

He surely was.

But at least he felt something.

What ever Jimin felt.

Min Yoongi wasn't sure if he actually of something or if he was only pretending.

And this mystery was something Yoongi wanted to know.


I watched Mulan on Disney+ and I only cringe because it's so bad...

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