BTS Meeting Me

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-At Fansigning Uh.. This didn't really happen-

Me:Uh.. Hello! I'm Park SungHee..

Jimin:*in korean* Oh! She has my last name!

V:*smirks at Jimin* oooh

Suga:*Hits V* Shutup.

J-Hope: Anneyeong! J-Hope imnida!

Me:*looks at Namjoon* Ah.. What are they saying?

Namjoon: Jimin said you guys have the same last name. Suga said shutup to V and J-hope said 'Hi! I'm J-hope!'.

Me:Oh. Okay. Thank you!

Jin:*Speaking english. 2nd best right?* Hello.  My name is Jin. Can I sign for you? *points to album*

Me:Okay. Thank you!

Jin: You are welcome.

Me:*goes along the line to get album signed*

Jungkook: Anneyeong. I'm Jungkook.

Me:Ah.. Anneyeong.

Jungkook:*trying to speak english.* Don't near them. *Points to hyungs* They are pabo. okay?

Me: *laughing* Okay Jungkook!

Jungkook:*laughs * Bye!

Me:Hello again.

Namjoon:Hi. I'm Rap Monster.

Me:Sign this for me please?

Namjoon:What's your name again?

Me: P-par-k SungH-hee


Me:Uh.. Yeah.

Namjoon: That's okay.*signs album* Here you go!

Me:Thank you!

Namjoon:Mhm. Bye.

Me:You too.


I didn't know what to do.. I'll be giving you guys another imagine for my 100th special! Look out for it okay? It'll be Jimin. *coughs* Ah. A.. Uhm.. Smut. *coughs* 

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