Jin: Imagine part 2

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Jin pulled me on top of him..

"Ah~ Jin"

When did he take off his boxers?!?! I was so suprised. So slick.

I rolled over and Jin went above me.

He went slow thinking this was my first time. I became frustrated.

"Jin.... F-faster" He obeyed my wishes and went faster.. He didn't just go faster he went full speed.

"Jin! Unh! Ah!" He was focusing very well and hit every spot. I became a bit tighter..

"Y/N~ You've become tight.. it feels good" He groaned. He pulled my legs up and put them over his shoulders. Somehow Jin managed to go even faster.

"Oh my god Jin!" I gasped for air.. He is amazing.

" Jagi~ I'm going to-"

"Me too. Jin" He did his fastest and fell next to me.

He started talking to me but I couldn't hear him fully as he was breathing hard.


"Yes jin?"

"You know I love you right?"

"Of course i do."

"I wouldn't ask you to do anything for me.. I will do everything for you.."

"Jin. I wouldnt mind doing anything for you. You see what asking me something led to?"

"Ne~ It's beautiful"

Someone rang our door bell. I put on clothes and went to open it. It was our neighbor Jungkook.

"What are you doing her Kookie?" I asked.

"You guys are too loud..What are you doing?" jungkook said.

"Uhm... Nothing" I said with smile. Jin apeared next to me.

"Kookie we are fine.. Go home and sleep"Jin said. Jungkook listened to Jin and went home.

Jin and I were tired and decided to go sleep on the couches in the living room.

"Jin. I have one more thing to ask you."

"What is it Jagi?"

"How can you take off your clothes without me noticing and how the hell were you so calm while doing me?"

"Well Y/N.. I'm grown.. I'm somewhat slick and i've practiced for you.."

"ewe" I said playing. He and I laughed. Then I kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you Jin. Goodnight~"


There is my promised part 2.. Eh.. It's not that good. I forgot what I was going to write in the beginning because my computer died and I didn't get to save.

I hope you guys liked it :) I'm not planning on doing any other members but I'll try if i feel like it.

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