Dead land and Happy Mates

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"Namjoon?" he called, hoping to draw out the other's human side.

"Y-Yes? What is it?" The alpha's voice was a little hoarse, as though his throat was constricted. The words sounded distant, like they weren't spoken with consciousness.

"Your eyes are red."

"Oh?" Namjoon blinked and a split second later the red started ebbing away. Seokjin could literally point out the exact instant Namjoon was back in control. "Oh...sorry." Namjoon tensed and turned to the side – away from the prince's direct, scrutinizing gaze. He must have comprehended the situation at hand because the alpha's scent changed, turning bitter and practically swimming in apprehension. "Sorry." He mumbled again, still not looking at Seokjin. However, Namjoon did not look as befuddled as Seokjin was.

To the prince, something about the reaction felt incredibly off.

A question was beginning to form in the depths of his mind, the logical part of Seokjin's brain working overtime to connect the different bits he had. The prince thought back on all their moments together, how Namjoon was always verbally harsh but never actually did him any harm, instead putting his life on the line to protect Seokjin. When Hoseok had put Seokjin's hand in his, Namjoon could have simply refused, asked the General to take care of the prince himself. But no, besides often using hurtful, derogatory language, Namjoon hadn't once voiced any complaints about having to protect him.

Jin thought back to all the small kindnesses. He recalled Namjoon giving away part of the day's ration to the prince during those first days in the forest when they had limited supplies. Sometimes, Seokjin would wake up in the mornings tucked in under Namjoon's robe, the alpha sleeping a distance away and shivering slightly from the cold.

The large, outstretched hand that would always be there to steady him or pull him up whenever Seokjin tripped or fell; The protective stance the alpha had taken the day of their encounter with the group of rogues – the way Namjoon had put Seokjin's safety first before his own.

Seokjin had thought that he was just doing his duty, following an order because it was from Hoseok - someone of higher rank. But...

"This has happened before, hasn't it?" the omega said finally; A statement rather than a question. The alpha was quiet as his body went still for a brief moment. "Namjoon, talk to me, please?"

The elder's shoulders slumped, drawing a little inwards as Seokjin felt the alpha's internal discord, felt him struggle to form words and then give up. Three simple words slipped almost soundlessly from the alpha's mouth, hesitantly.

"Yes, it has."

Seokjin's eyes went wide. He recalled what all he's read in books about this – how difficult it is to control your wolf in the presence of one's chosen mate unless both the human and canine sides are completely in tune with each other. Looking back to the time when the prince had been in love with Hoseok, Seokjin remembered just how exhausting it had been on him – to have his wolf, his heart and his mind all wanting three different things. He can't even begin to imagine the amount of mental strength Namjoon must have and the amount of stress he must have constantly been under in order to not let his wolf reign.

A lesser alpha might have already claimed the omega in question by now and the fact that Namjoon had managed to control his instincts for so long made the prince's respect for the alpha's determination and sheer willpower soar. But...for how long has this been going on? When exactly had the alpha realized that their wolves had bonded and why had Seokjin himself not experienced the phenomenon yet? Or is it that he had experienced it but just not recognized it for what it was?

"How long?" Seokjin questioned, still not sure what this meant for the both of them. "W-When was t-the first time?"

Namjoon finally turned to face him, looking unsure and defeated. It was incredibly startling – to see such an insecure expression on the face of a man who's never been anything but confident.

Arrows, Swords and a Little Bit of Magic  ( Rated M )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt