Chapter One

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"What can I do for you honey." The lady at the front desk said.

"I need to speak to Mr. Smith." I said quietly.

"And for what reasons?" She asked politely. The lady was a blonde who put on way to much make up. She just caked it on. Her self confidence was probably low because her husband doesn't love her. Just a wild guess that probably isn't anywhere close to the truth.

I always liked to do that. Come up with random fictional ideas for random people. Especially when I'm at the airport waiting for my flight. I just observe people and make up stories. It always past the time and I even missed a flight a few years back. Just zoned out and wrote stories inside my head.

"Ma'm?" The lady said with her calm voice.

"Sorry. I zone off a lot." I put a fake but convincing smile.

"So what is your business with Mr.Smith?"

"Well it's kind of personal."

"I need to know." She said sternly.

I didn't want to tell her. It was personal and very important. Very urgent.

I sighed and stood there thinking.

"What is your business with him?" She repeated again.

This was my last resort. I tried the police office and all sorts of other investigators. I came across Smith Private Investigators and decided to at least try.

"I'm being stalked." I said very very quietly.

"Sorry I didn't hear you."

"I'm being stalked." I said much louder.

She stood there in silence staring at me.

"I will get him right away." She said quickly.

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