The School and A Friend

Start from the beginning

One Week Later

(Y/N) and Azula were in a gestatorial chair as servants carried them using the polls that stuck out. (Y/N) could barely contain his joy, "We're actually going to leave the palace and meet new people." "Calm yourself. It's just a city away." "Yeah but still, we get to live and sleep somewhere else." "I guess it will be nice to see something else besides the palace." "And maybe we can make some friends." "Friends are for the weak dear brother." The two soon arrived at the harbor to board a private ship as the captain set course to the next city. The two walked around the ship as they began to set sail. Azula looked at the waves, "Now that we are on this ship we can do our own thing now. Mother can't see us." "But I want to keep hanging out with you." Azula looked at her brother, "Why?" "Because we don't get to hang out often. And you are my sister." Azula looked into his eyes to sigh, "We can play whatever that game uncle plays for the first ten minutes. But not much longer." "I'll take it."

Two hours passed for the ship to stop at the city's harbor. The captain walked into the twin's chambers, "Prince (Y/N) and Princess Azula, we have arrived." Azula held her hand up, "Do not interrupt us!" "But your highness-" "Do not make me say it again!" The captain left for (Y/N) to continue thinking about his next move. It was one to one and the two needed to prove that they were better at strategizing. Another ten minutes passed for the two to finally come out and get off the ship with Azula smiling as she had won. They got in their gestatorial chair as servants began to carry them to the school. When they arrived the path split into two as there was two large campuses that were quite far from each other. The twins looked at each other as there was only one carriage. Azula crossed her arms, "I'm not walking." (Y/N) shrugged as he hopped out to begin walking as he was escorted by two servants.

After a while (Y/N) arrived onto the school grounds to be met by a large man, "Prince (Y/N). We've been expecting you. I will take you to your dorm." (Y/N) followed him around the campus to pass by many students fighting each other as a few masters watched. (Y/N) was lead into a building where some students hung around until he stopped at a door, "This is your room." (Y/N) walked in to see the room empty with a bed and a drawer inside. You start class in an hour so get ready." (Y/N) walked in to get dressed in his fighting clothes to look out the window to see boys his age and older training. He began to get nervous as the time for his first class was getting closer. He worried that he may not be good at this either, and if he was an embarrassment. An hour passed for someone to come get him.

Nine Months Later

(Y/N) had gained some muscle through his training as he has learned a few different styles of fighting. He was wearing his school uniform as he also had a sash on his left arm that had five marks. The way the school worked was that students would get a mark every time they go up a class. A  master would decide when a student is ready. Every student needed three marks by the end of the year, but you can get up to six. He made his way to his current class which was the smallest class he had been in. Today was his first day and he had no idea what he was going to have to do to pass this class. After a while his teacher told all of the boys there that to earn their next mark they would have to work with someone from the girls school, as they were learning different fighting skills. So it would be a good experience to learn from each other. The boys were handed sleeves of paper for (Y/N) to look at the name on his piece of paper, "Mai?" The class then began walking towards the girls school to soon see a class of girls walking their way as well. 

The groups met in the middle in the open field, which had training gear like dummies, weapons, and other training equipment, for (Y/N) to look round until a girl with black hair that was up in two buns using red ribbons, light brown eyes, and pale white skin walked up to him, "Are you Azula's brother?" (Y/N) nodded, "Yep that's me. Are you Mai?" "Yeah." Everyone partnered up for the teachers to reveal what they were going to do now, "At the end of the year you will and your partner will face off against other students! If you prove yourself, you will gain your last mark! You must train yourselves in order to prepare. So your training starts now!" Every pair began to come up with what they should do for Mai to pull out a few knives, "So what do we do first?" "I don't know." Mai put her hand on her head as she groaned.

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