t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"ella time to get ready for school" I hear as I feel a shake on my arm

"okay, fine I'm up" I say as she walks out of my room

I get up and walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror

I'm going to try to have a good day today, so I don't look as miserable as I've been for the past weeks

Last night I had stayed up writing and writing as chase is terrible with words so am I so I wrote him a letter back to see if he would listen but now I just have to get the guts to give it to him

I go to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth then walk out and open my closet

I pull out a white cropped sweater and some black ripped jeans and my black van sneakers

I out that on then look in the mirror and fake a smile

Maybe I can try to look or make a conversation with chase

I've been avoiding him any time that I could during the day, lunch, science and homeroom

"bye mom I need to go maya is here" I tell my mom as I grab my backpack and get a text from maya

"have a great day!" she says as she cuts her banana

"byeeee" I say as I close the door and walk over to Mayas truck

"good morning!" I smile

"what happened to you?" she asks

"just trying to be happy" I say as she pulls out of the driveway

"good, stay positive" she's smiles

"I'm trying" I let out a small laugh

"okay well, science first is you going to do anything?" she asks

"I don't know yet" I tell her honestly

"okay" she says as she drives to school and when we get their we go our separate ways

I open my locker and put my backpack in it then grab my phone and my science textbook and walk over to science

"good morning elliana" I hear when I walk to the door and get greeted by teacher

"hi" I tell my teacher

"we have new seats, you're over their next to chase" she points

"who.." I ask

"chase smithins at the back"

"okay thanks..."

No no I need to get this switched

I walk into class and I'm early so there's a couple of people including chase

He's looking at his phone, lately he's been going to more classes I notice or maya tells me, he's wearing a light pink sweatshirt with dark ripped jeans with his hood up

I walk over and scootch the chair to the opposite side of him and sit down looking to the window since I'm sitting right next to it

I sit there feeling his gaze for a couple of seconds before a couple minutes later hearing my teacher talk

"okay so good morning, these are our new seats if you need to be moved let me know we can arrange something" she tells us

I look over at chase and lock eyes, but I can't look away

His eyes I've never seen them before, not angry annoyed or anything their more relaxed or nervous like he's holding back

"okay well you guys see the papers in front of you, work with your partner their due next class" she says before sitting down and everyone starts talking

I grab a paper and white my name on it then release a loud sigh

"elliana" I hear, and I look up to chase

"yeah?" whisper

"s-should we start?" he asks

"yeah if you're ready" I ask


"okay so um..number one"

"I think its c" he says

"oh, I got a" I tell him

"or that" he lets out a nervous laugh and I do too but mines a little more confident

We work for he rests of class before the bell rings and everyone packs up

Towards the end it got a little less awkward, but I don't know

Here we go..

"chase.." I say as he gets up

"yeah?" he asks and turns around

"as I'm not good with words either..read this please"

He lets out a laugh

"you read it?" he asks

"I did chase" I say

"okay" he says

"thank you" I tell him as he walks out of class and I finish packing

"thank you" I tell him as he walks out of class and I finish packing

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