17 2 2

It had been almost 2 years since my parents died. The same dream every night unless I don't sleep, which is mostly the case. I do school online and sell essays online so I only ever leave my house when it's absolutely necessary but usually, that's only for things like food and still, that's only once a month or so.

I haven't talked to another human in over a year. the last person I talked to was my online teacher and haven't since then, even when shopping I always go to the self check out lane. 

Today was my grocery day but for some reason today felt different from my usual grocery runs. before I leave the house I put my hoodie on and shove my earbuds in my ear as I started my walk to the store.

"오늘도 똑같이 흘러가" (today it goes the same way- zombie by day6)
After I get to the store I realize I'm getting a lot of stares so I put my hood down thinking they might think I'm a robber but the stares don't stop then I realize the tv on the wall has the news on and is blasting my face saying I'm a missing person so as fast as I could I run out of the store but not before the cop inside the store notices me. Sadly because I don't leave the house much I'm really out of shape so he easily catches me.

"you're park Jimin, right?"

"no sir you have the wrong person," I say trying to walk away as fast as I can, I don't need people looking for me I'm just fine on my own

" no, I know who you are, your father used to be my boss, that and you've been on the news recently. you've been missing for two years bud." I had almost forgotten that my father was a police chief, he never talked about work at home, mom had disliked the thought of him working a dangerous job, even if he barely went on major jobs he mostly did desk work.

"I urm don't know what to say but I'm fine I'm not missing just living my life, I guess. I do school and have an online job so I'm doing just fine thank you" after I finish talking I bow and walk away hoping he doesn't follow me.

"at least tell where you live and let me help you. please. I won't tell anyone where you live or who you are"

"fine, what's your name though? were you close with my father?"

"officer Kim, and I guess you could say so he was my best friend in the force. I never talked much but he was the only one who talked to me."

"oh" we had walked all the way over back to my little house, that has yet to be claimed by anyone but me.

"you live here?!?"

"Yeah, why? I've been here since the night of the crash. still haven't been back to the house since they announced the death." after I said this I felt wetness on my cheek realizing I was crying,

"Sorry, I didn't mean to press a button there, but this house used to be a crack house. Uh...that's why the lock is broken from a police raid."

"Why don't I take you to look at apartments that is if you don't wanna come live with me?"

"The first option please, I'll be 16 in a few days I'd rather live on my own but I will take the apartment offer, this building is starting to fall apart and I can afford an apartment more than I can the repairs," I say giggling
"so you say you have an online job huh?"

"Yeah, I write essays for ₩1,200,000 won"(about 1,200 US dollars )

"Why so expensive?"

"haha, they're 8 pages each"

"oh so more for like college students?"

"yup" after a while the small talk died and we just continued walking until we got to the apartment complex even though there were many around he took me to this one

"so why this complex? it's right next to a school, it'll be annoying for traffic."

"you don't even have a car why do you care about traffic? besides, I have my reasons."

"because it's loud with all the honking of cars, and I refuse to go to an in-person school. no."

" well that's my condition for me to allow you to live on your own, technically it's illegal but I know you'll just run away if I force you to live with someone so this is my only condition and if you say no then I will  have no choice but to call social services." after he was done talking he pulled out his phone and started to dial. me not wanting to live under another person's rules other than my dead parents said


"great you find an apartment while I will go over to the school and get you registered. here's my number call me once you find a building and I'll come over to get these papers signed." after he was done with his little rant I went upstairs and found a building I liked. I went downstairs and to give the downpayment to the sweet little old lady

" how old are you son? Don't worry I'm not a tattletale just curious "

"sixteen ma'am"
"oh wow, so are you gonna live by yourself? I'm guessing. I think I've seen you on the news, well.. okay then.  I'll let you get settled if you need anything at all don't be afraid to look for me in my building. I'm directly downstairs." she said turning around. I guess if I ever need a shoulder or an ear I finally have someone who I can talk to.

high school
"Hey, kid,"

"What?!?" officer Kim had been non-stop calling be about school and making sure I go and today was my first so I was a little on edge. I had  gotten a haircut, glasses, and some new clothes this weekend hopefully no one would recognize me from the news, the one and only thing I'm dreading (besides school itself.)

"Woah chill out I'm just calling to remind you to go to the office before class and one more thing my son goes to that school."

"please I can make friends myself don't worry and sorry I snapped I'm like literally just stepping out of the shower when you called me. And thanks for the reminder but I need to finish getting ready since school will start in an hour and I don't know where everything is so I need more time."
"all right talk to you later 화이팅!" after we hung up I turned on my music and started getting dressed.
"내가 제일 잘 나가
내가 제일 잘 나가
내가 제일 잘 나가
내가 제일 잘 나가" (if you know it you know it lol)
after I finished getting dressed I looked in the mirror feeling self-conscious. I was worried they might tease me because of my pink hair or that my blue sweater and oversized long sleeve shirt might make me look too small and easy to pick on.

"you can do this?" it came out more as a question than a statement but I meant it none the less.
After my failed attempt at a pep talk, I walked out with my backpack in hand and phone and wallet in my pocket.
" why do I feel like I forgot something? eh, it'll be fine. Right? sure, sure  I will." after my self-talking rant I walked to school, not realizing till I had walked outside that it was freezing and had forgotten my key .

"SHIT!" I screamed as loud as I could. everyone in the vicinity turned and looked at me looking as stunned as I felt

" sorry " after that little truffle I scuttled to school as fast as I could without dying of hypothermia while also trying to not look like a freak without a coat on in the middle of February.
After I walk into the school I immediately look for the sign to the main office but couldn't find it, not paying attention like the clutz I am walking face first into somebody's open locker and ending ass-first onto the ground

"crap! why can't anything go right for me today!" I scream as I try to get up. then by some stroke of luck, I see the office sign stand up and run as fast as I could to get away from the staring eyes of the junior hall. as I run I shout a sorry, not even looking back at the person whose locker I ran straight into

(next chapter will be from the locker owners POV)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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