"What do you mean?" Izuku's voice trembled, his heart pounding loudly in his chest.

"Just come with us," the police officer retorted, his expression stern and unforgiving.

In desperate need of answers and support, Izuku turned to his trusted teacher and mentor, Aizawa-sensei, seeking guidance from someone he had admired and respected deeply.

"Aizawa-sensei, All Might, what's going on?" Izuku implored, his eyes searching for any sign of reassurance.

"You're just going to be questioned, don't worry," Aizawa-sensei replied, though his gaze hinted at a hidden concern that sent shivers down Izuku's spine.

"About what?" Izuku pressed, his mind racing to recall any connection that might have led to such an accusation.

"Young Midoriya, you're going to be fine," All Might chimed in, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that surrounded him.

"However, this case is quite concerning," Nezu added with a sagely tone, his keen eyes observing Izuku with a mix of scrutiny and compassion.

"What case? I didn't do anything!" Izuku protested, his voice rising in a mixture of fear and frustration.

"Just come along!" The police officer's words rang like an ominous decree, leaving no room for further protest.

As Izuku reluctantly complied, he felt a whirlwind of emotions coursing through him. Betrayal, confusion, and fear entwined, like a tangled web, as he found himself on the precipice of an unfathomable ordeal. The world he had known seemed to crumble around him, and the path he once tread with unwavering determination now appeared clouded by uncertainty and doubt.

As he stepped into the police station, anxiety gripped his heart, and the cold, sterile walls of the interrogation room did little to ease his trepidation. His mind swirled with questions, wondering why he had been summoned, unsure if he was accused of something or merely caught in the crossfire of someone else's misdeeds.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and a familiar face appeared, Detective Tsukauchi, a longtime friend of All Might, the symbol of peace. Yet, even this familiar presence offered little solace as the detective's serious demeanor weighed heavily on the young hero.

"Good afternoon, Midoriya," Tsukauchi greeted, his voice tinged with an air of gravity.

"Why am I here?" Izuku asked, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and confusion.

"I'm sure you're confused right now, but the matter we have now is serious," Tsukauchi replied, choosing his words carefully.

"What matter?" Izuku pressed, seeking answers that seemed to elude him.

"We'll need you to answer a few questions, and we'll also need a sample of your blood for a DNA test," Tsukauchi explained.

"DNA test? Why?" Izuku questioned, his mind racing to comprehend the implications.

"I'm afraid I can't say. Now, shall we begin?" Tsukauchi responded, maintaining an enigmatic silence.

As the interrogation proceeded, Izuku found himself answering the questions truthfully, providing information about his father, Hisashi Midoriya, who had long been absent from his life. With sincerity, he revealed that he had no knowledge of his father's whereabouts, nor did he possess any photographs to recognize him.

Curiosity mixed with apprehension lingered in the air as Izuku followed Tsukauchi's instructions to provide a blood sample. However, no matter how hard he pressed, the detective remained tight-lipped, leaving Izuku to grapple with a sense of isolation and bewilderment.

Hours passed, and Izuku's confinement in a cell only intensified his restlessness. Push-ups and sit-ups provided a feeble distraction from the uncertainty that gnawed at his mind. Cut off from the outside world, unable to reach his mother, and surrounded by an unsettling aura of silence, Izuku felt the walls closing in around him.

Finally, the arrival of All Might, Aizawa, and Principal Nezu heralded an unanticipated revelation. An air of anxiety hung around them, especially All Might, who appeared haunted by an ominous secret.

"What happened?" Izuku questioned, eager to unravel the mystery that surrounded him.

"Your DNA matches with him," Aizawa stated solemnly.

"Who?" Izuku asked, his voice shaking with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

"Your father!" All Might declared, the weight of the revelation palpable in his voice.

"You found him?" Izuku's hope flickered to life, the possibility of reuniting with a father he never knew igniting within him.

"Do you truly not know who your father is?" Principal Nezu inquired with a hint of surprise.

"I don't even know what he looks like! All I know is his name. Who is he, anyway?" Izuku admitted, his heart aching with the absence of a father figure in his life.

"Well, you might not like this news," Aizawa interjected, a shadow darkening his features.

"Why?" Izuku's voice quivered, sensing that the revelation he was about to hear held monumental significance.

"Your father is... All For One," All Might uttered, his tone heavy with sorrow and remorse. The room seemed to still as the words hung in the air, casting a shroud of profound uncertainty over Izuku's life.

To be continued...

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