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Chapter eight

"What the fuck is a Twilight wedding?"

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips from a confused Liams face. We were on our way to the club where the Halloween party was being held, so Liam drove while we talked.

"You know." I shrugged. "A Twilight wedding."

"I most certainly do not know what a Twilight wedding is." The brunette turned to me with furrowed brows. "That's the most random thing I've ever heard."

"A Twilight wedding Liam Braxton! You, know, in the woods with little twinkly lights and cut up tree trucks as seating benches with flowers everywhere?" I tried explaining. "You know what I'm talking about."

"I literally just said no!" Liam burst out laughing. I couldn't help but stare as he laughed, his lips curving up into a smile and his bright blue eyes filling with humor. He was wearing the cowboy costume. He wore some jeans under the brown chaps and his chest was complete bare with only a small vest covering his shoulders. April had bought him a cowboy hat on Amazon that had arrived this morning, and it sat in the back seat with my firefighter hat.

I, just like my little fake boyfriend, was shirtless. But unlike Liam, I didn't have hard muscles covering my body. Sure I had abs, but they were lean and my body was... soft. Liam was muscular. I was a bit jealous, but no part of me felt like adding more effort into my workout routine. I was content with my looks.

"Well," I cleared my throat, taking myself out of my thought. "Amy's having a Twilight wedding. Her cousins a wedding planner and her parents, whoooo, they're loaded. Like, old money rich. So that's why they were able to plan such a fast wedding."

"Hmmm." Liam simply nodded as he continued to drive.

"Yeah," I continued. "And Amy's wanted a Twilight wedding since like, two-thousand-eleven when the fourth twilight movie came out. So of course they're doing it." I always thought her Twilight wedding would be with me.... yet look at us now.

"You watched the Twilight movies?"

"I have a sister." I shoved his arm super lightly, (not enough to mess up his driving or cause an accident) and rolled my eyes. "And my best friends a girl. And my roommates a girl. So yes Liam, I've watched the Twilight movies."

"Okay, okay." He turned to me and smirked. "Watching and liking Twilight has nothing to do with femininity or masculinity, by the way. If you like vampire love movies, then you like vampire love movies. You don't have to link the women in your life to a movie to make it as an excuse to watch it and you shouldn't feel embarrassed. I don't care what you like, and you shouldn't care what others think and-"

"Oh my God, shut up!" I groaned. "It's not that deep Liam, like, what the fuck are you even talking about?"

"I-" he stopped mid sentence, then turned to me for a second in confusion, then back at the road as he shook his head. "Sorry." He chuckled a bit. "I guess I just-"

"I get it. Just relax Liam. You don't have to overanalyze every conversation you have."

"Sorry." The brunette kept his eyes on the road but a small smile was playing on his lips. He had such a nice smile, and little dimples on each cheek. His jaw was also so sharp, it was almost annoying how perfect this man was built.

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