23 - Ultimatums (EP. 02)

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Anna’s eyes twinkled.

“Oh trust me, El,” she flashed the clueless secretary a wink, “We have lots of other choices.”

Aiden scratched his head, oblivious to the fixed stare the two siblings were giving him. Was there something on his face?

“Aiden,” Anna broke the silence, and he shuddered upon the dead serious call of his name. “I know what it’s like to doubt yourself, and your abilities. Anxiety is dreadful, damn I know the feeling to the gut and it’s the worst. Your talent,” she gestured to the eagle spread sketchpad, “This talent is worth more than being hidden in the dark. It can earn the spotlight,” Anna beamed.

“You’ll be thinking, how could I know when I’m technically an owner of a company? What the hell would people still be looking for in me? Well tell you what, I’ve been called the spare for many years before I turned eighteen and became independent. Those assholes swallowed their words.”

“Anna, language,” Elsa frowned.

“—my point is, Aiden, after dear Elsie here saw your work, you opened up an opportunity she thought of really carefully and it’s something you shouldn’t waste. Because she knows you can do something so much more,” Anna said, “But before I tell you why I asked you to come have Dom Pérignon with me, I want you to know that, credits to Elsa’s words, everybody’s someone. You’re someone. Everybody’s got this special something that makes them really awesome. And you’re no different from that.”

Aiden slowly nodded, trying to ingrain the redhead’s encouragement to his head.

“So Aiden Laurant,” Anna finally announced, “How’d you like to work as the official designer of Arendelle Co?”

And so Aiden wondered, if Anna’s question was the surreal evidence of his worth. His heart erratically thumped, once, twice, again and again, his blood running cold while his entire body froze stiff in an overwhelming wave of emotions. His mind spun amidst a messy crowd of thoughts, and if only he wasn’t too shy to ask his girlfriend’s sister to repeat that question of a lifetime he would, because it’s happening again. It’s happening for another time, for many years up till now. The shallow breaths, the bad kind of disbelief, qualms, the small voice at the back of his head whispering that he’s nothing and a nobody—

“Aiden, love.”

His frantic eyes turned to hers, Elsa’s, blue. All the horrid whispers stopped for a moment, or perhaps forever, when the blonde affectionately stroked his cheek and pressed her forehead against his own, leaving a gawking Anna to witness what they were like without prying eyes, without the society. Just them.

“You did this,” she lovingly spoke, “You did this all on your own, nothing to doubt. Not because I’m your girlfriend, not because I love you. You rose up to your feet independently, this is nobody else’s achievement, just yours. You respected my independence,” she smiled, “I also respect yours.”

Aiden, once again, nodded, and squeezed her hand as a reply. The blizzard occurring in his head cleared up into a peaceful winter day, and the thorns surrounding his heart wilted and he breathed in that he had done something remarkable without someone’s assistance and to think, he can finally do what he likes and not just for a living.

Aiden steered his gaze away from the sketchpad still in Anna’s grasp and stared at his lover in awe, doing his best not to leak his tears from his lids to appear more relaxed.

Honestly, Elsa helped him overcome such a realization... but for once, maybe just this once, he doesn’t mind a helping hand.

“Designer Laurant in the house!” Anna cheered, “Take note that you don’t work for us, Aiden. In Arendelle Co, you don’t work for us. You work with us. Oooh, this is giving me chills! Wait, before I forget, I got to speak with Heine about this now so he can speak with the workplace manager. Don’t you two go anywhere.”

Hastily, the redhead practically punched—dialed the Executive Director’s number.


“Your loss costs five thousand bucks.”

The man beside the golden blonde mumbled something incoherently in disappointment before unleashing a defeated sigh, “Dammit. I’ll transfer the loot online, I’m too lazy to grab my wallet in the chopper.”

Heine allowed a smirk of victory to play across his features. Swinging his Cue, he eyed their little game of pool and placed the hardwood stick back to its rightful place, “You should have invited a less challenging opponent if you’re in regrets.”

“Very funny, Schmidt,” The man folded his arms, “I’ll avenge myself in the next game, I suppose.”

“Got another five thousand to lose?” Heine said as he lit up a cigarette and tossed his friend one of the cancer sticks, “Decide wisely,” he playfully wagged a finger as if to mean a caution.

“Ten thousand, next Saturday.”

“Deal, Maggie boy.”

“Your phone’s ringing.”

Surprised, Heine jammed a hand into his pockets and eagerly picked up the call resonating from his phone after blowing a smoky ring. “Mrs. Bjorgman, bonsoir d’Amérique. To what do I owe you the pleasure?”

“Heine, thank goodness. Do you have Mister Miller’s number? Or maybe you can pass the word from here?” Anna spoke from the line.

“At your service. I can contact Mister Miller right away, though if you don’t mind, is there a problem in one of the building’s facilities?”

“Not that, no worries with the building. Anyway, you do have the entire employee’s benefits and privileges handbook memorized, right?”

Heine nodded, curious to where their conversation was going. “Of course, one of the many few is that they get to have their own personal workplace, furnished and customized, and–”

“Exactly! Now, I forgot your email but I’ll ask Elsa. I’ll email you Aiden’s choice of his own customization and please do me a favor and complete the rest.”

Heine had an amused smile on his lips. “What exactly did I miss, Mrs. Bjorgman?”

He could feel the redhead’s smile through the phone. “I’ll fill you in once we get back. Goodnight, Heine.”

To be continued
on the next chapter...

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