Battered and Bruised

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Hey guys here  is the link to the Discord server for Sodor:The living dead.
April 16 1976 3pm
After Gordon's chase on the mainline. The survivors decided to rest  at Knapford harbor. The harbor was mostly empty. Some of the piers had ships still tied up. One of these ships was a naval tramper. It had arrived two days ago to load munitions and other weapons to be taken to Ireland. The ship looked eerie given its massive size and its gray paint job. It didn't helped that it was so silent that if stomped your feet the sound would echo everywhere. The survivors decided to have meeting to discuss the situation. "What do we do now?" asked Perica. "We should just wait for help."replied a survivor. "I agree." said another, "We shouldn't be galavanting about the island. We should bunker up and wait for a relief force. The UK has the experience in dealing with these kinds of hazardous situations." "But have any of those situations include zombies, what many believe are just fictional characters." replied Duck's fireman. It was clear that a rift between the survivors was beginning to form. On one side there were the survivors who wanted to keep moving in hopes of escaping Sodor. These were mostly railway men and survivors who have children. On the other side, there were the survivors who thought that waiting out the apocalypse was a better idea. After some arguing and some cursing the group decided to split up. The majority of the survivors decided to bunker up and wait it out. They were 27 in total,most came from Tidmouth. While the survivors who decided to keep moving only numbered around 14, excluding the crews,rolling stock and their engines. They were gonna leave the very next day. The food and supplies were split up accordingly. Then came the question of the naval tramper, who had the right to loot it? While they were discussing,some of survivors from the moving group secretly went inside the ship and got most of the weapons. These included some pistols, a few rifles and some boxes of ammunition. There was also a three machine guns inside the ship. All of which were M2 brownings, these were all scooped up by the moving crew, along with the ammunition they fired.
April 17 1976 6AM 2nd day
Everything was ready, the survivors departed Knapford harbor. Now weakened by their lack of numbers, the survivors had to play it safe or risk getting overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Zombie or human.

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