What's the Plan?

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The survivors were thinking of a plan. They had two options, they could either leave Rusty and Thomas and try to find help. This would risk getting Rusty spotted or get Thomas eaten. The other option was to try and help Rusty and Thomas but risk themselves getting eaten. After much and endless debate they finally decided that helping the engines would be the best option.
First would be Rusty, after finding him they managed to find the tunnel that was flooded. They remembered they had tools from the military ship in the harbor. So a few of the crew were to go onto Rusty and fix the pumps to drain the water through the tunnel. The rest armed themselves with pistols and revolvers to rescue Thomas.
There was an old crane standing near where Thomas was and for some reason a flatbed sitting at the bottom. So  the plan was to use dynamite to blow a hole in the wall to get the crane and hoist Thomas onto the flatbed, couple it up and get the hell outta there.
"Aaahh!" shrieked a horrific voice.
Everyone turned around and rushed to the windows.
There was Dennis approaching the engines. His face was torn in half and he was covered in rust and blood, his middle wheel's ball of flesh acted like caterpillar tracks slowly dragging him closer and closer.
"Hello there guys, what's the occasion?" asked Dennis.
"Stay back you Mutant!" screamed BoCo with horror.
"The boss wants you guys, he deems you a very important component in his grand plan."
"Oh shit." said Rusty

Hi guys sorry about the delay but thank you for waiting more chapters are to come!

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