The Iron twins

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The Killdane steelworks or more commonly known as the Sodor Ironworks is run by two diesels. Arry and Bert, more commonly known as the "Ironworks Twins", these two diesel shunters make sure that the Ironworks runs smoothly. To most other engines they are seen as ruffians and troublemakers. This view is only backed further by the fact they push for modernizing the NWR with more diesels. One day the twins arrived at Wellsworth with a load of rails. BoCo came in with a local passenger train. "You two look awful." said BoCo. "Of course we do, what do you think happens when you're surrounded by molten metal and huge machinery." replied Bert. "Of course you're filthy that's a given with you two,but what's that blue liquid oozing down your radiators?" "It's just some fuel,nothing that we diesels can't handle." said Arry in a grumpy voice. "At least get it washed off, that doesn't look like diesel fuel at all." said a very concerned BoCo. "Ok ok you rolling container we'll get it washed off" said the twins in unison. BoCo rolled his eyes and headed for Suddery. "Who does he think he is. He's a traitor to diesel kind." said Bert. "Too right" replied Arry.

Later that day the twins were on their way to Tidmouth to collect some trucks filled with scrap. On their way they had to refuel at Knapford. There they saw Arthur who was refueling himself. "Let's give him a proper greeting eh Arry?" "With pleasure Bert.". The Twins quietly rolled up to Arthur and gave him a big bump! "Ow, what was that for?" complained Arthur. "For existing you red kettle." replied the twins. They rolled of chortling to themselves. "Honestly those twins are nothing but trouble".

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