11- proceeding with the plan

Start from the beginning

Izuku: eww eww eww!! He touched me! HE TOUCHED ME WITH HIS FAPPING HAND!!

Izuku scrubbed his face red, while Shigaraki was dumbfounded. His quirk didn't activate...

"That's enough" A voice coming from the static Television spoke.

Shigaraki: Master..

Izuku: bait...

Shigaraki flinched but was stopped by the voice in the Television.

TV: that is enough Shigaraki.. it's rude to try and harm our guest.

Shigaraki: but master!

TV: shigaraki... are you trying to disobey me?

Shigaraki: N-no master

TV: good... now what do we owe this pleasure Mr. Cipher?

Izuku: I want to join....

Silence followed this sentence.

TV: join? But why?

Shigaraki: this must be a trap made by Allmight master! He can't be trusted!

Izuku: oh go put those hands to good use in bed and stop interrupting handyman!

Shigaraki: You!—

Izuku: Aaaaaaaaanyway, I wanted to join because of nanya

Dabi: Nanya?

Izuku: Nanya business, I have my reasons and so do you.

TV: Very well, but under one condition.

Shigaraki visibly flinched at his masters sudden agreement.

Izuku: and what is that?

TV: you give us equipment that would strengthen my subordinates quirks.

Izuku: Very well, but for this to happen we must meet face to face.

TV: and why?

Izuku: to strike the deal of course!

Izuku smiled widely and sipped his drink.

TV: Kurogiri...

Shigaraki: Master please!

Izuku: MaStEr PlEaSe! Oh grow up man child.

Shigaraki: I DONT TRUST YOU!

Izuku: You don't trust anyone.

Kurogiri opened a gate in front of Izuku, to which he walked through leaving Shigaraki and the rest.


Izuku walked through the gate and found himself in an eerie green room, with a man in front of him, wearing a breathing apparatus to steady his already frail body.

"Good evening Mr. Cipher"

"Good evening to you too, Mr. Potato head"

Izuku bowed towards all for one.

"Now what's this deal you speak off?" All for one asked.

Izuku chuckled, "the deal is; to follow my orders without a second thought, or disobedience"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because if you will agree to this deal, then I would make a gear, that enhances your subordinates quirks! It may even kill allmight. And to make sure you don't get the short end of the deal, I'll make a gear that would completely heal you!.. well.. except the facial features"

All for one thought for a moment and agreed.

"Fantastic! Now you just need to shake my hand" Izuku held out his hand towards all for one, who in turn raised his hand to reach out.

If he was observing more, he would've noticed a strange blue glow enveloping Izuku's hand.


They shook their hands when the blue glow enveloped all for one completely, not giving him a split second to realize his mistake.

"Make as much high end Nomu's as you can, even if it would cost you your life"

All for one slumped down faced Izuku.

"Yes.... master"

Hey there people! How ya been! Sorry for not updating that much.. I couldn't think of a good story soooooooooo... •_•....yeah...

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