Chapter 15 - Forgetting

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Chapter 15 - Forgetting

Marco was in a large chair at the center of a grass covered field. He was looking up at the afternoon clouds which slowly floated overhead. His skin was wrinkled, his grey hair cut short. Star shuffled her feet as she walked up behind him. Her hair now had gone mostly white but still held onto a blonde tint. Reaching the back of the chair she held onto the top to keep herself steady.

"Star, that you?"

"Yes dear."

"What did we do today?"

"Many things today dear. We went outside. We watched a movie. We sang with the nurse. We had dinner."

"Star, what did we have for dinner?"

"I...I don't remember."

"That's all right honey, I'm sure it was good."

"Wait I remember now. We had pudding for dessert."

Marco just nodded.

Following his lead Star also starred up into the sky. "You napped a lot today. I had no one to play cards with. Marco look! That cloud looks Head."


"Honey, you remember Pony Head?"

"No. Oh, the floating head girl. I remember your friend now."

"I'm glad you remember her. I'm really glad. Do you remember any of our other friends?"

Marco looked down now, trying to focus. "Tom. Janna stole my car. Did Janna steal my car?"

"Yes, but she gave it back."

"Janna messed up all my stations."

"Yes honey, she did. I'm glad you remember. I love you." Tears were forming in Star's eyes.

"Love you too. Love you too."

There was a long pause with neither one moving. The clouds kept floating by and the grass moved in waves from the wind. Star's eyes had cleared and she looked down at her husband. "Do you want to go on an adventure today?"

His only response was a slight movement shake of his head to signify no.

"Alright. How about I tell you a story then?"

His head gave a short nod.

"Let's see...once upon a time there there was a boy and a girl. She had been giving anything she could have ever wanted growing up but had no choice of what she would become. He had worked hard to be prepared for the world but was too afraid to explore it."

"That boy sounds like a nerd."

"Marco Diaz, you be nice to yourself!"

"Yes dear."

"Can I go on with my story now?"

"You can stop there, I don't want to hear how it ends."

They returned to cloud gazing although most of the time was spent silently rethinking memories. After some time Star patted the back of the chair. "Love you."

"Star, before you go...what did we do yesterday?"

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