Chapter 2 - Twenty Three

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Chapter 2 - Twenty Three

The young man remembered having a hard time falling asleep because Star's hair kept getting in his face. However he now felt like he was at the beginning of something new.

"Marco-Marco-Marco!" Star rushed her words. "Hurry, get on my cloud. I was dreaming and you showed up!"

"Hi Star." This was followed by a wide yawn. His eyes wandered over her face and he reached out to her cheeks. "Your hearts are back and glowing. You look..."

Star pointing down. "Dummy don't look at me, down there look at us!" Below was Marco's room but messier then he remembered. Boxes of Star's belongings were stacked up like battered towers, none were standing straight and their contents spilled out like small waterfalls. On the floor next to the bed was a sleeping bag covered in pillows and unfolded blankets.

However, the top of the bed was where Star was pointing. On the twin sized mattress they saw themselves spooned together so tightly that there was ample room for extra pillows and a few sleeping puppies.

"We are soooo cute." Star's voice was full of emotion.

They watched for some time, but eventually turned to each other, still floating on their personal cloud. Marco smirked. "Wow. I still can't believe they are letting us share a room like this. I guess bringing two dimensions together gets people to listen to you."

Star just nodded at him in agreement.

With a blink the space around them changed. It was now Marco's living room but larger. Rays of sun flowed in from the windows as if it was the brightest day of the year. Their cloud was at floor level and they looked up to see several shadowy forms. By the front door were shadows of Star's parents, by the kitchen stood shadows of Marco's parents, his mother was even holding up a shadow version of his baby sister.

The room swayed but everyone inside was perfectly still. Standing near the bottom of the steps versions of Star and Marco stood holding hands. Unlike the other grey forms he was a scarlet red while Star was the color of her long blonde hair. The red and yellow shapes spoken in a blended voice filled with resolve, "We want to live here for now...together. If you say no we'll find another place. One where we can be together. We have already spent too much time apart."

The cloud riding Star giggled. "Do I really sound like that? And is that exactly what we said?"

Cloud Marco shrugged. "You sound great. That has the same meaning as what we said, but I don't think we used those words. Dreams are weird."

Muffled parental voices filled the room but quickly stopped when Star's mother turned to see what was happening outside. Still on their cloud Star and Marco rose up through the ceiling and were suddenly outside. Under them a suburban street slowly filling with creatures. Based on the fashions it was clearly a mix of people from both dimensions. Even friendly monsters from Star's dimension of Mewni joined the crowd. From their cloud the young couple saw neighbors, friends, and family all gathered around the Diaz home. For some people it was a grand reunion but for most it was awkward introductions, hand shaking, and worried faces.

"I like what you said to our friends and the crowd outside today. It was really good." Marco whispered to Star.

"You didn't do too bad yourself Diaz."

The cloud riders turned to face each other again. They were both in their night clothes and the light of a TV lit up their faces.

"Marco, I don't get this. I know I am dreaming but it is like the real you is here with me."

"Like I belong here?"

"Yes! Exactly!"

"Star, think about all the weird things that have happened to us the last few months. We know the magic is gone but there must be something that happened to cause this." As Marco finished his sentence a book appeared between them titled 'Recent Weird Things'.

They both giggled and spoke in unison, "That was weird!" However, before they could open the book, the television above them flickered as if the channels were being changed. Marco pointed to the final images which resembled a news broadcast. "I bet it is going to be hard tomorrow."

"Yeah...leaders from all of Mewni's different kingdoms, leaders from all over Earth." Star paused, taking a deep breath. "It seems crazy but they are all going to be looking to us for answers. I know our friends understand we weren't trying to turn everything upside down." She sighed, "All I really-really want to do tomorrow is hang with my bestie."

Marco nodded in agreement. "After all we've been through it would be nice to just hang. But I think you are right, we have to go talk to people. I just hope no one is upset with us. I say that but, I know that no matter what there is no way we made everyone happy. I guess...we just tell the truth and hope for the best."

Reaching out, Marco touched Star's heart cheeks again. "I admit...I don't completely trust your mom but she is good at talking to big crowds, having been queen. It would be strange but we could stay out of this like she offered...say it was just a magic accident with an unknown cause. If we are not part of the story maybe we get more time to be together without people getting upset at us."

Star turned so her back was against his chest, similar to how they were spooning on the bed. "No! All those people need us. We have lived in both dimensions, they are going to need us to help everyone understand each other. And you better make room for me. Before we start our next really crazy day I'm going to need lots and lots and lots of snuggles."

Marco giggled, "Are you ready to be a guiding Star to everyone?"

"Pfft. How about you be a guiding dork to everyone."

He hugged her tight, ignoring the fact that her hair was getting in his face.

"Hey Star. If we are dreaming, remember the number 23 when you wake up. 23. It is a test...23..."


The two were now back in his bed. On the other end of the room they could hear a clock radio alarm going off. It flashed, 7:23 AM as they woke up.

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