Chapter 5 - Laundry

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Chapter 5 - Laundry

It had been several weeks since the cleave. The young couple now looked forward to bedtime knowing that they would likely see each other in their dreams. Tonight was no exception.

"Marco? What are you doing?" Star found herself sitting on Marco's bed. It was a shadowy version of his room but with so much of Star's stuff covering the floor, tables, and walls it seemed more like her room now. The clothes piles and random boxes had become a hazard, threatening to trap any unlucky victim that got too close.

Marco stood in the room's center with three laundry baskets and a trash can in-circling him. Picking up a pair of green and purple tights he gave them a quick sniff. "Eww...dirty basket."

"Out of all the things you could be doing in our dreams, you are cleaning? You are such a weirdo."

Marco stopped and rubbed the back of his head. "I was just..." Looking over the room he sighed. "I'm going to be honest, the mess in here is really getting to me. Maybe in the morning we could clean the room together?"

"Yeah yeah, in the morning. What do you want to do during our dream? More figuring out Starco Time or going on another dream adventure?" Marco ignored her as he sniffed the air while holding up a stained dress. Seeing the look on his face, Star knew that her plans for fun had been defeated.

She tossed her boots onto the floor and sank back into the pillows to relax. "Fine. Just going to CHILLLLLLLLLL dream tonight." With that a stack of teen magazines appeared on the bed around Star. Grabbing one at random she began reading.

"Sorry, Star. I just keep smelling something off. You didn't drop your dirty laundry on my head before you went to sleep did you?"

"Hmm...maybe. You did say I could take the bed tonight. What mysteries live on the floor waiting for Marco to discover?" That last sentence was said in her best attempt at a spooky voice.

Marco just sighed again as he picked random objects out of piles and tried to sort them.

"I guess after a month of dream trips, Goblin Dogs, amusement parks, and dimensional sunsets we are due for some chill dreaming." Dropping the first magazine on the floor Star picked through the stack until she found one she liked.

The couple each did their own thing until Star became bored with the silence. "Hmmmmmm...hey Marco. You still like us being official Earth-Mewni ambassadors?"

"Yes. But it seems weird getting paid for doing what we would do for free."

"Kind of weird. Just talk to people and travel around all day. Not the same as jumping between dimensions but it has been fun doing that together." Star hummed to herself before asking another question. "You think the Mewni monsters are going to be allowed to attend human schools once summer is over?"

"If there is room for everybody, yes. But everyone from Mewni is going to need a few extra years to catch up on their education. Still seems crazy your dimension never set up any sort of real schools for non-royalty like on Earth." Marco spoke while trying to match socks.

"Yeah, kind of crazy. I guess when the queens have magic they don't think about school for the peasants and monsters so much." Star kept flipping through the glossy pages until she found an article she liked. "Hey Marco. You still my bestie?"


"You love me still right?" She asked with a slight smile.

He still was paying more attention to dream-cleaning than his girlfriend. "More than anything, you know that."

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