Chapter 49: Last Day Blues

Start from the beginning

"You are with me on a beach in the Bahamas Arlo," I opened my eyes. How did he know? I turned and looked at him,

"Sorry I..." I trailed off and he squeezed my hand again.

"We'll get through this," I took a breath.

"I know,"

Noah persuaded us to all come into the water for a bit, which was only a bit because it wasn't the warmest. But once Noah gets going and you are non-stop laughing, you don't feel anything except love.

"You're bleeding QB," Mali said to me and I instantly looked down. Fuck. I hadn't even felt anything, but my stitches must has ripped. "Come sit down, I'll get Angelo," I did as I was told, peeling the patch off of my bare stomach. It looked much worse than it felt. Angelo came running over.

"What's going on?" He asked and then stopped when he saw, "Oh, that's going on,"

"Looks worse than it feels, because it doesn't hurt at all,"

"What's happened?" Keane asked as he, Tayte and Noah came over,

"Oh My God," Noah gasped.

"Guys, I promise, I swear on everyone's lives that I'm fine, I'm not in any pain and all this blood makes it look worse than it is,"

I knew from the look they were giving me though they weren't entirely sure, but Keane said,

"We believe you and we're all heading back to the villa anyway, so we'll all go together,"

"Then go for lunch," Noah added, "Because you know I'm always hungry,"

"Don't we just," Mali teased,

"MALENA HOW DARE YOU," Noah gasped, she ran off laughing and he dashed after. Angelo held his out hand and I took it, as Keane and Tayte grabbed all our things.

"I'm waiting for you to shower baby," Noah said as we came into the villa,

"I won't be too long,"

"You better not be," he winked and flounced off.

"Take your time," Mali said. "I love you,"

"Love you to crazy fan," I answered, blowing her a kiss. Keane and Tayte walked off,

"Use protection," I shouted and Keane turned back and gave me the finger, I chuckled.

Angelo went off and got his medical bag and I laid myself down on the sofa,

"So, come here often?" I asked when he swanned over,

"Not often enough," he winked. "This is going to hurt,"

"Give me your best shot,"

He rinsed it out with some warm water and then with some antiseptic liquid which stung.

"This was meant to be a relaxing holiday for you to heal," He told me,

"I have been relaxing,"

"Not enough by the looks of this,"

"It looks better than the other day though right,"

"That was my magic hands,"

"You are such a flirt,"

"Tell me to stop anytime," I didn't reply and just smiled. He talked to me the whole time he stitched me back up and somehow I didn't feel a thing.


"We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one, we're not scared," Noah sang, skipping in front of us down the path.

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